
sc2.game_info module

from collections import deque
from typing import Any, Dict, FrozenSet, Generator, List, Optional, Sequence, Set, Tuple, Union

from .pixel_map import PixelMap
from .player import Player
from .position import Point2, Rect, Size

class Ramp:
    def __init__(self, points: Set[Point2], game_info: "GameInfo"):
        self._points: Set[Point2] = points
        self.__game_info = game_info
        # tested by printing actual building locations vs calculated depot positions
        self.x_offset = 0.5 # might be errors with the pixelmap?
        self.y_offset = -0.5

    def _height_map(self):
        return self.__game_info.terrain_height

    def _placement_grid(self):
        return self.__game_info.placement_grid

    def size(self) -> int:
        return len(self._points)

    def height_at(self, p: Point2) -> int:
        return self._height_map[p]

    def points(self) -> Set[Point2]:
        return self._points.copy()

    def upper(self) -> Set[Point2]:
        """ Returns the upper points of a ramp. """
        max_height = max([self.height_at(p) for p in self._points])
        return {p for p in self._points if self.height_at(p) == max_height}

    def upper2_for_ramp_wall(self) -> Set[Point2]:
        """ Returns the 2 upper ramp points of the main base ramp required for the supply depot and barracks placement properties used in this file. """
        if len(self.upper) > 5:
            # NOTE: this was way too slow on large ramps
            return set() # HACK: makes this work for now
            # FIXME: please do

        upper2 = sorted(list(self.upper), key=lambda x: x.distance_to(self.bottom_center), reverse=True)
        while len(upper2) > 2:
        return set(upper2)

    def top_center(self) -> Point2:
        pos = Point2((sum([p.x for p in self.upper]) / len(self.upper), \
            sum([p.y for p in self.upper]) / len(self.upper)))
        return pos

    def lower(self) -> Set[Point2]:
        min_height = min([self.height_at(p) for p in self._points])
        return {
            for p in self._points
            if self.height_at(p) == min_height

    def bottom_center(self) -> Point2:
        pos = Point2((sum([p.x for p in self.lower]) / len(self.lower), \
            sum([p.y for p in self.lower]) / len(self.lower)))
        return pos

    def barracks_in_middle(self) -> Point2:
        """ Barracks position in the middle of the 2 depots """
        if len(self.upper2_for_ramp_wall) == 2:
            points = self.upper2_for_ramp_wall
            p1 = points.pop().offset((self.x_offset, self.y_offset))
            p2 = points.pop().offset((self.x_offset, self.y_offset))
            # Offset from top point to barracks center is (2, 1)
            intersects = p1.circle_intersection(p2, (2 ** 2 + 1 ** 2) ** 0.5)
            anyLowerPoint = next(iter(self.lower))
            return max(intersects, key=lambda p: p.distance_to(anyLowerPoint))
        raise Exception('Not implemented. Trying to access a ramp that has a wrong amount of upper points.')

    def depot_in_middle(self) -> Point2:
        """ Depot in the middle of the 3 depots """
        if len(self.upper2_for_ramp_wall) == 2:
            points = self.upper2_for_ramp_wall
            p1 = points.pop().offset((self.x_offset, self.y_offset)) # still an error with pixelmap?
            p2 = points.pop().offset((self.x_offset, self.y_offset))
            # Offset from top point to depot center is (1.5, 0.5)
            intersects = p1.circle_intersection(p2, (1.5 ** 2 + 0.5 ** 2) ** 0.5)
            anyLowerPoint = next(iter(self.lower))
            return max(intersects, key=lambda p: p.distance_to(anyLowerPoint))
        raise Exception('Not implemented. Trying to access a ramp that has a wrong amount of upper points.')

    def corner_depots(self) -> Set[Point2]:
        """ Finds the 2 depot positions on the outside """
        if len(self.upper2_for_ramp_wall) == 2:
            points = self.upper2_for_ramp_wall
            p1 = points.pop().offset((self.x_offset, self.y_offset)) # still an error with pixelmap?
            p2 = points.pop().offset((self.x_offset, self.y_offset))
            center = p1.towards(p2, p1.distance_to(p2) / 2)
            depotPosition = self.depot_in_middle
            # Offset from middle depot to corner depots is (2, 1)
            intersects = center.circle_intersection(depotPosition, (2 ** 2 + 1 ** 2) ** 0.5)
            return intersects
        raise Exception('Not implemented. Trying to access a ramp that has a wrong amount of upper points.')

    def barracks_can_fit_addon(self) -> bool:
        """ Test if a barracks can fit an addon at natural ramp """
        if len(self.upper2_for_ramp_wall) == 2:
            return self.barracks_in_middle.x + 1 > max(self.corner_depots, key=lambda depot: depot.x).x
        raise Exception('Not implemented. Trying to access a ramp that has a wrong amount of upper points.')

    def barracks_correct_placement(self) -> Point2:
        """ Corrected placement so that an addon can fit """
        if len(self.upper2_for_ramp_wall) == 2:
            if self.barracks_can_fit_addon:
                return self.barracks_in_middle
                return self.barracks_in_middle.offset((-2, 0))
        raise Exception('Not implemented. Trying to access a ramp that has a wrong amount of upper points.')

class GameInfo:
    def __init__(self, proto):
        # TODO: this might require an update during the game because placement grid and playable grid are greyed out on minerals, start locations and ramps (debris)
        self._proto = proto       
        self.players: List[Player] = [Player.from_proto(p) for p in proto.player_info]
        self.map_size: Size = Size.from_proto(proto.start_raw.map_size)
        self.pathing_grid: PixelMap = PixelMap(proto.start_raw.pathing_grid)
        self.terrain_height: PixelMap = PixelMap(proto.start_raw.terrain_height)
        self.placement_grid: PixelMap = PixelMap(proto.start_raw.placement_grid)
        self.playable_area = Rect.from_proto(proto.start_raw.playable_area)
        self.map_ramps: List[Ramp] = None # Filled later by BotAI._prepare_first_step
        self.player_races: Dict[int, "Race"] = {p.player_id: p.race_actual or p.race_requested for p in proto.player_info}
        self.start_locations: List[Point2] = [Point2.from_proto(sl) for sl in proto.start_raw.start_locations]
        self.player_start_location: Point2 = None # Filled later by BotAI._prepare_first_step

    def map_center(self) -> Point2:

    def _find_ramps(self) -> List[Ramp]:
        """Calculate (self.pathing_grid - self.placement_grid) (for sets) and then find ramps by comparing heights."""
        rampDict = {
            Point2((x, y)): self.pathing_grid[(x, y)] == 0 and self.placement_grid[(x, y)] == 0
            for x in range(self.pathing_grid.width)
            for y in range(self.pathing_grid.height)

        rampPoints = {p for p in rampDict if rampDict[p]} # filter only points part of ramp
        rampGroups = self._find_groups(rampPoints)
        return [Ramp(group, self) for group in rampGroups]

    def _find_groups(self, points: Set[Point2], minimum_points_per_group: int=8, max_distance_between_points: int=2) -> List[Set[Point2]]:
        """ From a set/list of points, this function will try to group points together """
        """ Paint clusters of points in rectangular map using flood fill algorithm. """
        NOT_INTERESTED = -2
        NOT_COLORED_YET = -1
        currentColor: int = NOT_COLORED_YET
        picture: List[List[int]] = [[NOT_INTERESTED
                                     for j in range (self.pathing_grid.width)]
                                    for i in range (self.pathing_grid.height)]

        def paint (pt: Point2) -> None:
            picture[pt.y][pt.x] = currentColor

        nearby: Set[Point2] = set ()
        for dx in range (-max_distance_between_points, max_distance_between_points + 1):
            for dy in range (-max_distance_between_points, max_distance_between_points + 1):
                if abs (dx) + abs (dy) <= max_distance_between_points:
                    nearby.add (Point2 ((dx, dy)))

        for point in points:
            paint (point)

        remaining: Set[Point2] = set (points)
        queue: Deque[Point2] = deque ()
        foundGroups: List[Set[Point2]] = []
        while remaining:
            currentGroup: Set[Point2] = set ()
            if not queue:
                currentColor += 1
                start = remaining.pop ()
                paint (start)
                queue.append (start)
                currentGroup.add (start)
            while queue:
                base: Point2 = queue.popleft ()
                for offset in nearby:
                    px, py = base.x + offset.x, base.y + offset.y
                    if px < 0 or py < 0 or px >= self.pathing_grid.width or py >= self.pathing_grid.height:
                    if picture[py][px] != NOT_COLORED_YET:
                    point: Point2 = Point2 ((px, py))
                    remaining.remove (point)
                    paint (point)
                    queue.append (point)
                    currentGroup.add (point)
            if len (currentGroup) >= minimum_points_per_group:
                foundGroups.append (currentGroup)

        """ Returns groups of points as list
        [{p1, p2, p3}, {p4, p5, p6, p7, p8}]
        return foundGroups


class GameInfo

class GameInfo:
    def __init__(self, proto):
        # TODO: this might require an update during the game because placement grid and playable grid are greyed out on minerals, start locations and ramps (debris)
        self._proto = proto       
        self.players: List[Player] = [Player.from_proto(p) for p in proto.player_info]
        self.map_size: Size = Size.from_proto(proto.start_raw.map_size)
        self.pathing_grid: PixelMap = PixelMap(proto.start_raw.pathing_grid)
        self.terrain_height: PixelMap = PixelMap(proto.start_raw.terrain_height)
        self.placement_grid: PixelMap = PixelMap(proto.start_raw.placement_grid)
        self.playable_area = Rect.from_proto(proto.start_raw.playable_area)
        self.map_ramps: List[Ramp] = None # Filled later by BotAI._prepare_first_step
        self.player_races: Dict[int, "Race"] = {p.player_id: p.race_actual or p.race_requested for p in proto.player_info}
        self.start_locations: List[Point2] = [Point2.from_proto(sl) for sl in proto.start_raw.start_locations]
        self.player_start_location: Point2 = None # Filled later by BotAI._prepare_first_step

    def map_center(self) -> Point2:

    def _find_ramps(self) -> List[Ramp]:
        """Calculate (self.pathing_grid - self.placement_grid) (for sets) and then find ramps by comparing heights."""
        rampDict = {
            Point2((x, y)): self.pathing_grid[(x, y)] == 0 and self.placement_grid[(x, y)] == 0
            for x in range(self.pathing_grid.width)
            for y in range(self.pathing_grid.height)

        rampPoints = {p for p in rampDict if rampDict[p]} # filter only points part of ramp
        rampGroups = self._find_groups(rampPoints)
        return [Ramp(group, self) for group in rampGroups]

    def _find_groups(self, points: Set[Point2], minimum_points_per_group: int=8, max_distance_between_points: int=2) -> List[Set[Point2]]:
        """ From a set/list of points, this function will try to group points together """
        """ Paint clusters of points in rectangular map using flood fill algorithm. """
        NOT_INTERESTED = -2
        NOT_COLORED_YET = -1
        currentColor: int = NOT_COLORED_YET
        picture: List[List[int]] = [[NOT_INTERESTED
                                     for j in range (self.pathing_grid.width)]
                                    for i in range (self.pathing_grid.height)]

        def paint (pt: Point2) -> None:
            picture[pt.y][pt.x] = currentColor

        nearby: Set[Point2] = set ()
        for dx in range (-max_distance_between_points, max_distance_between_points + 1):
            for dy in range (-max_distance_between_points, max_distance_between_points + 1):
                if abs (dx) + abs (dy) <= max_distance_between_points:
                    nearby.add (Point2 ((dx, dy)))

        for point in points:
            paint (point)

        remaining: Set[Point2] = set (points)
        queue: Deque[Point2] = deque ()
        foundGroups: List[Set[Point2]] = []
        while remaining:
            currentGroup: Set[Point2] = set ()
            if not queue:
                currentColor += 1
                start = remaining.pop ()
                paint (start)
                queue.append (start)
                currentGroup.add (start)
            while queue:
                base: Point2 = queue.popleft ()
                for offset in nearby:
                    px, py = base.x + offset.x, base.y + offset.y
                    if px < 0 or py < 0 or px >= self.pathing_grid.width or py >= self.pathing_grid.height:
                    if picture[py][px] != NOT_COLORED_YET:
                    point: Point2 = Point2 ((px, py))
                    remaining.remove (point)
                    paint (point)
                    queue.append (point)
                    currentGroup.add (point)
            if len (currentGroup) >= minimum_points_per_group:
                foundGroups.append (currentGroup)

        """ Returns groups of points as list
        [{p1, p2, p3}, {p4, p5, p6, p7, p8}]
        return foundGroups

Ancestors (in MRO)

Static methods

def __init__(

self, proto)

Initialize self. See help(type(self)) for accurate signature.

def __init__(self, proto):
    # TODO: this might require an update during the game because placement grid and playable grid are greyed out on minerals, start locations and ramps (debris)
    self._proto = proto       
    self.players: List[Player] = [Player.from_proto(p) for p in proto.player_info]
    self.map_size: Size = Size.from_proto(proto.start_raw.map_size)
    self.pathing_grid: PixelMap = PixelMap(proto.start_raw.pathing_grid)
    self.terrain_height: PixelMap = PixelMap(proto.start_raw.terrain_height)
    self.placement_grid: PixelMap = PixelMap(proto.start_raw.placement_grid)
    self.playable_area = Rect.from_proto(proto.start_raw.playable_area)
    self.map_ramps: List[Ramp] = None # Filled later by BotAI._prepare_first_step
    self.player_races: Dict[int, "Race"] = {p.player_id: p.race_actual or p.race_requested for p in proto.player_info}
    self.start_locations: List[Point2] = [Point2.from_proto(sl) for sl in proto.start_raw.start_locations]
    self.player_start_location: Point2 = None # Filled later by BotAI._prepare_first_step

Instance variables

var map_center

var playable_area

class Ramp

class Ramp:
    def __init__(self, points: Set[Point2], game_info: "GameInfo"):
        self._points: Set[Point2] = points
        self.__game_info = game_info
        # tested by printing actual building locations vs calculated depot positions
        self.x_offset = 0.5 # might be errors with the pixelmap?
        self.y_offset = -0.5

    def _height_map(self):
        return self.__game_info.terrain_height

    def _placement_grid(self):
        return self.__game_info.placement_grid

    def size(self) -> int:
        return len(self._points)

    def height_at(self, p: Point2) -> int:
        return self._height_map[p]

    def points(self) -> Set[Point2]:
        return self._points.copy()

    def upper(self) -> Set[Point2]:
        """ Returns the upper points of a ramp. """
        max_height = max([self.height_at(p) for p in self._points])
        return {p for p in self._points if self.height_at(p) == max_height}

    def upper2_for_ramp_wall(self) -> Set[Point2]:
        """ Returns the 2 upper ramp points of the main base ramp required for the supply depot and barracks placement properties used in this file. """
        if len(self.upper) > 5:
            # NOTE: this was way too slow on large ramps
            return set() # HACK: makes this work for now
            # FIXME: please do

        upper2 = sorted(list(self.upper), key=lambda x: x.distance_to(self.bottom_center), reverse=True)
        while len(upper2) > 2:
        return set(upper2)

    def top_center(self) -> Point2:
        pos = Point2((sum([p.x for p in self.upper]) / len(self.upper), \
            sum([p.y for p in self.upper]) / len(self.upper)))
        return pos

    def lower(self) -> Set[Point2]:
        min_height = min([self.height_at(p) for p in self._points])
        return {
            for p in self._points
            if self.height_at(p) == min_height

    def bottom_center(self) -> Point2:
        pos = Point2((sum([p.x for p in self.lower]) / len(self.lower), \
            sum([p.y for p in self.lower]) / len(self.lower)))
        return pos

    def barracks_in_middle(self) -> Point2:
        """ Barracks position in the middle of the 2 depots """
        if len(self.upper2_for_ramp_wall) == 2:
            points = self.upper2_for_ramp_wall
            p1 = points.pop().offset((self.x_offset, self.y_offset))
            p2 = points.pop().offset((self.x_offset, self.y_offset))
            # Offset from top point to barracks center is (2, 1)
            intersects = p1.circle_intersection(p2, (2 ** 2 + 1 ** 2) ** 0.5)
            anyLowerPoint = next(iter(self.lower))
            return max(intersects, key=lambda p: p.distance_to(anyLowerPoint))
        raise Exception('Not implemented. Trying to access a ramp that has a wrong amount of upper points.')

    def depot_in_middle(self) -> Point2:
        """ Depot in the middle of the 3 depots """
        if len(self.upper2_for_ramp_wall) == 2:
            points = self.upper2_for_ramp_wall
            p1 = points.pop().offset((self.x_offset, self.y_offset)) # still an error with pixelmap?
            p2 = points.pop().offset((self.x_offset, self.y_offset))
            # Offset from top point to depot center is (1.5, 0.5)
            intersects = p1.circle_intersection(p2, (1.5 ** 2 + 0.5 ** 2) ** 0.5)
            anyLowerPoint = next(iter(self.lower))
            return max(intersects, key=lambda p: p.distance_to(anyLowerPoint))
        raise Exception('Not implemented. Trying to access a ramp that has a wrong amount of upper points.')

    def corner_depots(self) -> Set[Point2]:
        """ Finds the 2 depot positions on the outside """
        if len(self.upper2_for_ramp_wall) == 2:
            points = self.upper2_for_ramp_wall
            p1 = points.pop().offset((self.x_offset, self.y_offset)) # still an error with pixelmap?
            p2 = points.pop().offset((self.x_offset, self.y_offset))
            center = p1.towards(p2, p1.distance_to(p2) / 2)
            depotPosition = self.depot_in_middle
            # Offset from middle depot to corner depots is (2, 1)
            intersects = center.circle_intersection(depotPosition, (2 ** 2 + 1 ** 2) ** 0.5)
            return intersects
        raise Exception('Not implemented. Trying to access a ramp that has a wrong amount of upper points.')

    def barracks_can_fit_addon(self) -> bool:
        """ Test if a barracks can fit an addon at natural ramp """
        if len(self.upper2_for_ramp_wall) == 2:
            return self.barracks_in_middle.x + 1 > max(self.corner_depots, key=lambda depot: depot.x).x
        raise Exception('Not implemented. Trying to access a ramp that has a wrong amount of upper points.')

    def barracks_correct_placement(self) -> Point2:
        """ Corrected placement so that an addon can fit """
        if len(self.upper2_for_ramp_wall) == 2:
            if self.barracks_can_fit_addon:
                return self.barracks_in_middle
                return self.barracks_in_middle.offset((-2, 0))
        raise Exception('Not implemented. Trying to access a ramp that has a wrong amount of upper points.')

Ancestors (in MRO)

  • Ramp
  • builtins.object

Static methods

def __init__(

self, points, game_info)

Initialize self. See help(type(self)) for accurate signature.

def __init__(self, points: Set[Point2], game_info: "GameInfo"):
    self._points: Set[Point2] = points
    self.__game_info = game_info
    # tested by printing actual building locations vs calculated depot positions
    self.x_offset = 0.5 # might be errors with the pixelmap?
    self.y_offset = -0.5

def height_at(

self, p)

def height_at(self, p: Point2) -> int:
    return self._height_map[p]

Instance variables

var barracks_can_fit_addon

Test if a barracks can fit an addon at natural ramp

var barracks_correct_placement

Corrected placement so that an addon can fit

var barracks_in_middle

Barracks position in the middle of the 2 depots

var bottom_center

var corner_depots

Finds the 2 depot positions on the outside

var depot_in_middle

Depot in the middle of the 3 depots

var lower

var points

var size

var top_center

var upper

Returns the upper points of a ramp.

var upper2_for_ramp_wall

Returns the 2 upper ramp points of the main base ramp required for the supply depot and barracks placement properties used in this file.

var x_offset

var y_offset