sc2.position module
from math import sqrt, pi, sin, cos, atan2 import random import itertools import math from typing import List, Dict, Set, Tuple, Any, Optional, Union # for mypy type checking FLOAT_DIGITS = 8 EPSILON = 10 ** (-FLOAT_DIGITS) def _sign(num): if num == 0: return 0 return 1 if num > 0 else -1 class Pointlike(tuple): @property def rounded(self) -> "Pointlike": return self.__class__(round(q) for q in self) @property def position(self) -> "Pointlike": return self def distance_to(self, p: Union["Unit", "Point2", "Point3"]) -> Union[int, float]: p = p.position assert isinstance(p, Pointlike) if self == p: return 0 return (sum(self.__class__((b - a) ** 2 for a, b in itertools.zip_longest(self, p, fillvalue=0)))) ** 0.5 def distance_to_point2(self, p2: "Point2") -> Union[int, float]: """ Same as the function above, but should be 3-4 times faster because of the dropped asserts and conversions and because it doesnt use a loop (itertools or zip). """ return ((self[0] - p2[0]) ** 2 + (self[1] - p2[1]) ** 2) ** 0.5 def _distance_squared(self, p2: "Point2") -> Union[int, float]: """ Function used to not take the square root as the distances will stay proportionally the same. This is to speed up the sorting process. """ return (self[0] - p2[0]) ** 2 + (self[1] - p2[1]) ** 2 def sort_by_distance(self, ps: Union["Units", List["Point2"]]) -> List["Point2"]: """ This returns the target points sorted as list. You should not pass a set or dict since those are not sortable. If you want to sort your units towards a point, use 'units.sorted_by_distance_to(point)' instead. """ if len(ps) == 1: return ps[0] if ps and all(isinstance(p, Point2) for p in ps): return sorted(ps, key=lambda p: self._distance_squared(p)) return sorted(ps, key=lambda p: self.distance_to(p)) def closest(self, ps: Union["Units", List["Point2"], Set["Point2"]]) -> Union["Unit", "Point2"]: """ This function assumes the 2d distance is meant """ assert ps if len(ps) == 1: return ps[0] closest_distance_squared = math.inf for p2 in ps: p2pos = p2 if not isinstance(p2pos, Point2): p2pos = p2.position distance = (self[0] - p2pos[0]) ** 2 + (self[1] - p2pos[1]) ** 2 if distance < closest_distance_squared: closest_distance_squared = distance closest_element = p2 return closest_element def distance_to_closest(self, ps: Union["Units", List["Point2"], Set["Point2"]]) -> Union[int, float]: """ This function assumes the 2d distance is meant """ assert ps closest_distance_squared = math.inf for p2 in ps: if not isinstance(p2, Point2): p2 = p2.position distance = (self[0] - p2[0]) ** 2 + (self[1] - p2[1]) ** 2 if distance < closest_distance_squared: closest_distance_squared = distance return closest_distance_squared ** 0.5 def furthest(self, ps: Union["Units", List["Point2"], Set["Point2"]]) -> Union["Unit", "Pointlike"]: """ This function assumes the 2d distance is meant """ assert ps if len(ps) == 1: return ps[0] furthest_distance_squared = -math.inf for p2 in ps: p2pos = p2 if not isinstance(p2pos, Point2): p2pos = p2.position distance = (self[0] - p2pos[0]) ** 2 + (self[1] - p2pos[1]) ** 2 if furthest_distance_squared < distance: furthest_distance_squared = distance furthest_element = p2 return furthest_element def distance_to_furthest(self, ps: Union["Units", List["Point2"], Set["Point2"]]) -> Union[int, float]: """ This function assumes the 2d distance is meant """ assert ps furthest_distance_squared = -math.inf for p2 in ps: if not isinstance(p2, Point2): p2 = p2.position distance = (self[0] - p2[0]) ** 2 + (self[1] - p2[1]) ** 2 if furthest_distance_squared < distance: furthest_distance_squared = distance return furthest_distance_squared ** 0.5 def offset(self, p) -> "Pointlike": return self.__class__(a + b for a, b in itertools.zip_longest(self, p[: len(self)], fillvalue=0)) def unit_axes_towards(self, p): return self.__class__(_sign(b - a) for a, b in itertools.zip_longest(self, p[:len(self)], fillvalue=0)) def towards(self, p: Union["Unit", "Pointlike"], distance: Union[int, float]=1, limit: bool=False) -> "Pointlike": p = p.position assert self != p, f"self is {self}, p is {p}" d = self.distance_to(p) if limit: distance = min(d, distance) return self.__class__(a + (b - a) / d * distance for a, b in itertools.zip_longest(self, p[:len(self)], fillvalue=0)) def __eq__(self, other): if not isinstance(other, tuple): return False return all(abs(a - b) < EPSILON for a, b in itertools.zip_longest(self, other, fillvalue=0)) def __hash__(self): return hash(tuple(int(c * FLOAT_DIGITS) for c in self)) class Point2(Pointlike): @classmethod def from_proto(cls, data): return cls((data.x, data.y)) @property def x(self) -> Union[int, float]: return self[0] @property def y(self) -> Union[int, float]: return self[1] @property def to2(self) -> "Point2": return Point2(self[:2]) @property def to3(self) -> "Point3": return Point3((*self, 0)) def distance2_to(self, other: "Point2"): """Squared distance to a point.""" assert isinstance(other, Point2) return (self[0] - other[0]) ** 2 + (self[1] - other[1]) ** 2 def random_on_distance(self, distance): if isinstance(distance, (tuple, list)): # interval distance = distance[0] + random.random() * (distance[1] - distance[0]) assert distance > 0 angle = random.random() * 2 * pi dx, dy = cos(angle), sin(angle) return Point2((self.x + dx * distance, self.y + dy * distance)) def towards_with_random_angle(self, p: Union["Point2", "Point3"], distance: Union[int, float]=1, max_difference: Union[int, float]=(pi / 4)) -> "Point2": tx, ty = self.to2.towards(p.to2, 1) angle = atan2(ty - self.y, tx - self.x) angle = (angle - max_difference) + max_difference * 2 * random.random() return Point2((self.x + cos(angle) * distance, self.y + sin(angle) * distance)) def circle_intersection(self, p: "Point2", r: Union[int, float]) -> Set["Point2"]: """ self is point1, p is point2, r is the radius for circles originating in both points Used in ramp finding """ assert self != p distanceBetweenPoints = self.distance_to(p) assert r > distanceBetweenPoints / 2 # remaining distance from center towards the intersection, using pythagoras remainingDistanceFromCenter = (r ** 2 - (distanceBetweenPoints / 2) ** 2) ** 0.5 # center of both points offsetToCenter = Point2(((p.x - self.x) / 2, (p.y - self.y) / 2)) center = self.offset(offsetToCenter) # stretch offset vector in the ratio of remaining distance from center to intersection vectorStretchFactor = remainingDistanceFromCenter / (distanceBetweenPoints / 2) v = offsetToCenter offsetToCenterStretched = Point2((v.x * vectorStretchFactor, v.y * vectorStretchFactor)) # rotate vector by 90° and -90° vectorRotated1 = Point2((offsetToCenterStretched.y, -offsetToCenterStretched.x)) vectorRotated2 = Point2((-offsetToCenterStretched.y, offsetToCenterStretched.x)) intersect1 = center.offset(vectorRotated1) intersect2 = center.offset(vectorRotated2) return {intersect1, intersect2} @property def neighbors4(self) -> set: return { Point2((self.x - 1, self.y)), Point2((self.x + 1, self.y)), Point2((self.x, self.y - 1)), Point2((self.x, self.y + 1)), } @property def neighbors8(self) -> set: return self.neighbors4 | { Point2((self.x - 1, self.y - 1)), Point2((self.x - 1, self.y + 1)), Point2((self.x + 1, self.y - 1)), Point2((self.x + 1, self.y + 1)), } def negative_offset(self, other: "Point2") -> "Point2": return self.__class__((self.x - other.x, self.y - other.y)) def __add__(self, other: "Point2") -> "Point2": return self.offset(other) def __sub__(self, other: "Point2") -> "Point2": return self.negative_offset(other) def __neg__(self) -> "Point2": return self.__class__(-a for a in self) def __abs__(self) -> Union[int, float]: return math.hypot(self.x, self.y) def __bool__(self) -> bool: return self.x != 0 or self.y != 0 def __mul__(self, other: Union[int, float, "Point2"]) -> "Point2": if isinstance(other, self.__class__): return self.__class__((self.x * other.x, self.y * other.y)) return self.__class__((self.x * other, self.y * other)) def __rmul__(self, other: Union[int, float, "Point2"]) -> "Point2": return self.__mul__(other) def __truediv__(self, other: Union[int, float, "Point2"]) -> "Point2": if isinstance(other, self.__class__): return self.__class__((self.x / other.x, self.y / other.y)) return self.__class__((self.x / other, self.y / other)) def is_same_as(self, other: "Point2", dist=0.1) -> bool: return self._distance_squared(other) <= dist ** 2 def direction_vector(self, other: "Point2") -> "Point2": """ Converts a vector to a direction that can face vertically, horizontally or diagonal or be zero, e.g. (0, 0), (1, -1), (1, 0) """ return self.__class__((_sign(other.x - self.x), _sign(other.y - self.y))) def manhattan_distance(self, other: "Point2") -> Union[int, float]: return abs(other.x - self.x) + abs(other.y - self.y) @staticmethod def center(a: Union[Set["Point2"], List["Point2"]]) -> "Point2": """ Returns the central point for points in list """ s = Point2((0, 0)) for p in a: s += p return s / len(a) class Point3(Point2): @classmethod def from_proto(cls, data): return cls((data.x, data.y, data.z)) @property def z(self) -> Union[int, float]: return self[2] @property def to3(self) -> "Point3": return Point3(self) class Size(Point2): @property def width(self) -> Union[int, float]: return self[0] @property def height(self) -> Union[int, float]: return self[1] class Rect(tuple): @classmethod def from_proto(cls, data): assert data.p0.x < data.p1.x and data.p0.y < data.p1.y return cls((data.p0.x, data.p0.y, data.p1.x - data.p0.x, data.p1.y - data.p0.y)) @property def x(self) -> Union[int, float]: return self[0] @property def y(self) -> Union[int, float]: return self[1] @property def width(self) -> Union[int, float]: return self[2] @property def height(self) -> Union[int, float]: return self[3] @property def size(self) -> Size: return Size(self[2], self[3]) @property def center(self) -> Point2: return Point2((self.x + self.width / 2, self.y + self.height / 2)) def offset(self, p): return self.__class__((self[0] + p[0], self[1] + p[1], self[2], self[3]))
Module variables
var pi
class Point2
tuple() -> empty tuple tuple(iterable) -> tuple initialized from iterable's items
If the argument is a tuple, the return value is the same object.
class Point2(Pointlike): @classmethod def from_proto(cls, data): return cls((data.x, data.y)) @property def x(self) -> Union[int, float]: return self[0] @property def y(self) -> Union[int, float]: return self[1] @property def to2(self) -> "Point2": return Point2(self[:2]) @property def to3(self) -> "Point3": return Point3((*self, 0)) def distance2_to(self, other: "Point2"): """Squared distance to a point.""" assert isinstance(other, Point2) return (self[0] - other[0]) ** 2 + (self[1] - other[1]) ** 2 def random_on_distance(self, distance): if isinstance(distance, (tuple, list)): # interval distance = distance[0] + random.random() * (distance[1] - distance[0]) assert distance > 0 angle = random.random() * 2 * pi dx, dy = cos(angle), sin(angle) return Point2((self.x + dx * distance, self.y + dy * distance)) def towards_with_random_angle(self, p: Union["Point2", "Point3"], distance: Union[int, float]=1, max_difference: Union[int, float]=(pi / 4)) -> "Point2": tx, ty = self.to2.towards(p.to2, 1) angle = atan2(ty - self.y, tx - self.x) angle = (angle - max_difference) + max_difference * 2 * random.random() return Point2((self.x + cos(angle) * distance, self.y + sin(angle) * distance)) def circle_intersection(self, p: "Point2", r: Union[int, float]) -> Set["Point2"]: """ self is point1, p is point2, r is the radius for circles originating in both points Used in ramp finding """ assert self != p distanceBetweenPoints = self.distance_to(p) assert r > distanceBetweenPoints / 2 # remaining distance from center towards the intersection, using pythagoras remainingDistanceFromCenter = (r ** 2 - (distanceBetweenPoints / 2) ** 2) ** 0.5 # center of both points offsetToCenter = Point2(((p.x - self.x) / 2, (p.y - self.y) / 2)) center = self.offset(offsetToCenter) # stretch offset vector in the ratio of remaining distance from center to intersection vectorStretchFactor = remainingDistanceFromCenter / (distanceBetweenPoints / 2) v = offsetToCenter offsetToCenterStretched = Point2((v.x * vectorStretchFactor, v.y * vectorStretchFactor)) # rotate vector by 90° and -90° vectorRotated1 = Point2((offsetToCenterStretched.y, -offsetToCenterStretched.x)) vectorRotated2 = Point2((-offsetToCenterStretched.y, offsetToCenterStretched.x)) intersect1 = center.offset(vectorRotated1) intersect2 = center.offset(vectorRotated2) return {intersect1, intersect2} @property def neighbors4(self) -> set: return { Point2((self.x - 1, self.y)), Point2((self.x + 1, self.y)), Point2((self.x, self.y - 1)), Point2((self.x, self.y + 1)), } @property def neighbors8(self) -> set: return self.neighbors4 | { Point2((self.x - 1, self.y - 1)), Point2((self.x - 1, self.y + 1)), Point2((self.x + 1, self.y - 1)), Point2((self.x + 1, self.y + 1)), } def negative_offset(self, other: "Point2") -> "Point2": return self.__class__((self.x - other.x, self.y - other.y)) def __add__(self, other: "Point2") -> "Point2": return self.offset(other) def __sub__(self, other: "Point2") -> "Point2": return self.negative_offset(other) def __neg__(self) -> "Point2": return self.__class__(-a for a in self) def __abs__(self) -> Union[int, float]: return math.hypot(self.x, self.y) def __bool__(self) -> bool: return self.x != 0 or self.y != 0 def __mul__(self, other: Union[int, float, "Point2"]) -> "Point2": if isinstance(other, self.__class__): return self.__class__((self.x * other.x, self.y * other.y)) return self.__class__((self.x * other, self.y * other)) def __rmul__(self, other: Union[int, float, "Point2"]) -> "Point2": return self.__mul__(other) def __truediv__(self, other: Union[int, float, "Point2"]) -> "Point2": if isinstance(other, self.__class__): return self.__class__((self.x / other.x, self.y / other.y)) return self.__class__((self.x / other, self.y / other)) def is_same_as(self, other: "Point2", dist=0.1) -> bool: return self._distance_squared(other) <= dist ** 2 def direction_vector(self, other: "Point2") -> "Point2": """ Converts a vector to a direction that can face vertically, horizontally or diagonal or be zero, e.g. (0, 0), (1, -1), (1, 0) """ return self.__class__((_sign(other.x - self.x), _sign(other.y - self.y))) def manhattan_distance(self, other: "Point2") -> Union[int, float]: return abs(other.x - self.x) + abs(other.y - self.y) @staticmethod def center(a: Union[Set["Point2"], List["Point2"]]) -> "Point2": """ Returns the central point for points in list """ s = Point2((0, 0)) for p in a: s += p return s / len(a)
Ancestors (in MRO)
Static methods
def center(
Returns the central point for points in list
@staticmethod def center(a: Union[Set["Point2"], List["Point2"]]) -> "Point2": """ Returns the central point for points in list """ s = Point2((0, 0)) for p in a: s += p return s / len(a)
def circle_intersection(
self, p, r)
self is point1, p is point2, r is the radius for circles originating in both points Used in ramp finding
def circle_intersection(self, p: "Point2", r: Union[int, float]) -> Set["Point2"]: """ self is point1, p is point2, r is the radius for circles originating in both points Used in ramp finding """ assert self != p distanceBetweenPoints = self.distance_to(p) assert r > distanceBetweenPoints / 2 # remaining distance from center towards the intersection, using pythagoras remainingDistanceFromCenter = (r ** 2 - (distanceBetweenPoints / 2) ** 2) ** 0.5 # center of both points offsetToCenter = Point2(((p.x - self.x) / 2, (p.y - self.y) / 2)) center = self.offset(offsetToCenter) # stretch offset vector in the ratio of remaining distance from center to intersection vectorStretchFactor = remainingDistanceFromCenter / (distanceBetweenPoints / 2) v = offsetToCenter offsetToCenterStretched = Point2((v.x * vectorStretchFactor, v.y * vectorStretchFactor)) # rotate vector by 90° and -90° vectorRotated1 = Point2((offsetToCenterStretched.y, -offsetToCenterStretched.x)) vectorRotated2 = Point2((-offsetToCenterStretched.y, offsetToCenterStretched.x)) intersect1 = center.offset(vectorRotated1) intersect2 = center.offset(vectorRotated2) return {intersect1, intersect2}
def closest(
self, ps)
This function assumes the 2d distance is meant
def closest(self, ps: Union["Units", List["Point2"], Set["Point2"]]) -> Union["Unit", "Point2"]: """ This function assumes the 2d distance is meant """ assert ps if len(ps) == 1: return ps[0] closest_distance_squared = math.inf for p2 in ps: p2pos = p2 if not isinstance(p2pos, Point2): p2pos = p2.position distance = (self[0] - p2pos[0]) ** 2 + (self[1] - p2pos[1]) ** 2 if distance < closest_distance_squared: closest_distance_squared = distance closest_element = p2 return closest_element
def direction_vector(
self, other)
Converts a vector to a direction that can face vertically, horizontally or diagonal or be zero, e.g. (0, 0), (1, -1), (1, 0)
def direction_vector(self, other: "Point2") -> "Point2": """ Converts a vector to a direction that can face vertically, horizontally or diagonal or be zero, e.g. (0, 0), (1, -1), (1, 0) """ return self.__class__((_sign(other.x - self.x), _sign(other.y - self.y)))
def distance2_to(
self, other)
Squared distance to a point.
def distance2_to(self, other: "Point2"): """Squared distance to a point.""" assert isinstance(other, Point2) return (self[0] - other[0]) ** 2 + (self[1] - other[1]) ** 2
def distance_to(
self, p)
def distance_to(self, p: Union["Unit", "Point2", "Point3"]) -> Union[int, float]: p = p.position assert isinstance(p, Pointlike) if self == p: return 0 return (sum(self.__class__((b - a) ** 2 for a, b in itertools.zip_longest(self, p, fillvalue=0)))) ** 0.5
def distance_to_closest(
self, ps)
This function assumes the 2d distance is meant
def distance_to_closest(self, ps: Union["Units", List["Point2"], Set["Point2"]]) -> Union[int, float]: """ This function assumes the 2d distance is meant """ assert ps closest_distance_squared = math.inf for p2 in ps: if not isinstance(p2, Point2): p2 = p2.position distance = (self[0] - p2[0]) ** 2 + (self[1] - p2[1]) ** 2 if distance < closest_distance_squared: closest_distance_squared = distance return closest_distance_squared ** 0.5
def distance_to_furthest(
self, ps)
This function assumes the 2d distance is meant
def distance_to_furthest(self, ps: Union["Units", List["Point2"], Set["Point2"]]) -> Union[int, float]: """ This function assumes the 2d distance is meant """ assert ps furthest_distance_squared = -math.inf for p2 in ps: if not isinstance(p2, Point2): p2 = p2.position distance = (self[0] - p2[0]) ** 2 + (self[1] - p2[1]) ** 2 if furthest_distance_squared < distance: furthest_distance_squared = distance return furthest_distance_squared ** 0.5
def distance_to_point2(
self, p2)
Same as the function above, but should be 3-4 times faster because of the dropped asserts and conversions and because it doesnt use a loop (itertools or zip).
def distance_to_point2(self, p2: "Point2") -> Union[int, float]: """ Same as the function above, but should be 3-4 times faster because of the dropped asserts and conversions and because it doesnt use a loop (itertools or zip). """ return ((self[0] - p2[0]) ** 2 + (self[1] - p2[1]) ** 2) ** 0.5
def furthest(
self, ps)
This function assumes the 2d distance is meant
def furthest(self, ps: Union["Units", List["Point2"], Set["Point2"]]) -> Union["Unit", "Pointlike"]: """ This function assumes the 2d distance is meant """ assert ps if len(ps) == 1: return ps[0] furthest_distance_squared = -math.inf for p2 in ps: p2pos = p2 if not isinstance(p2pos, Point2): p2pos = p2.position distance = (self[0] - p2pos[0]) ** 2 + (self[1] - p2pos[1]) ** 2 if furthest_distance_squared < distance: furthest_distance_squared = distance furthest_element = p2 return furthest_element
def is_same_as(
self, other, dist=0.1)
def is_same_as(self, other: "Point2", dist=0.1) -> bool: return self._distance_squared(other) <= dist ** 2
def manhattan_distance(
self, other)
def manhattan_distance(self, other: "Point2") -> Union[int, float]: return abs(other.x - self.x) + abs(other.y - self.y)
def negative_offset(
self, other)
def negative_offset(self, other: "Point2") -> "Point2": return self.__class__((self.x - other.x, self.y - other.y))
def offset(
self, p)
def offset(self, p) -> "Pointlike": return self.__class__(a + b for a, b in itertools.zip_longest(self, p[: len(self)], fillvalue=0))
def random_on_distance(
self, distance)
def random_on_distance(self, distance): if isinstance(distance, (tuple, list)): # interval distance = distance[0] + random.random() * (distance[1] - distance[0]) assert distance > 0 angle = random.random() * 2 * pi dx, dy = cos(angle), sin(angle) return Point2((self.x + dx * distance, self.y + dy * distance))
def sort_by_distance(
self, ps)
This returns the target points sorted as list. You should not pass a set or dict since those are not sortable. If you want to sort your units towards a point, use 'units.sorted_by_distance_to(point)' instead.
def sort_by_distance(self, ps: Union["Units", List["Point2"]]) -> List["Point2"]: """ This returns the target points sorted as list. You should not pass a set or dict since those are not sortable. If you want to sort your units towards a point, use 'units.sorted_by_distance_to(point)' instead. """ if len(ps) == 1: return ps[0] if ps and all(isinstance(p, Point2) for p in ps): return sorted(ps, key=lambda p: self._distance_squared(p)) return sorted(ps, key=lambda p: self.distance_to(p))
def towards(
self, p, distance=1, limit=False)
def towards(self, p: Union["Unit", "Pointlike"], distance: Union[int, float]=1, limit: bool=False) -> "Pointlike": p = p.position assert self != p, f"self is {self}, p is {p}" d = self.distance_to(p) if limit: distance = min(d, distance) return self.__class__(a + (b - a) / d * distance for a, b in itertools.zip_longest(self, p[:len(self)], fillvalue=0))
def towards_with_random_angle(
self, p, distance=1, max_difference=0.7853981633974483)
def towards_with_random_angle(self, p: Union["Point2", "Point3"], distance: Union[int, float]=1, max_difference: Union[int, float]=(pi / 4)) -> "Point2": tx, ty = self.to2.towards(p.to2, 1) angle = atan2(ty - self.y, tx - self.x) angle = (angle - max_difference) + max_difference * 2 * random.random() return Point2((self.x + cos(angle) * distance, self.y + sin(angle) * distance))
def unit_axes_towards(
self, p)
def unit_axes_towards(self, p): return self.__class__(_sign(b - a) for a, b in itertools.zip_longest(self, p[:len(self)], fillvalue=0))
Instance variables
var neighbors4
var neighbors8
var position
var rounded
var to2
var to3
var x
var y
def from_proto(
cls, data)
@classmethod def from_proto(cls, data): return cls((data.x, data.y))
class Point3
tuple() -> empty tuple tuple(iterable) -> tuple initialized from iterable's items
If the argument is a tuple, the return value is the same object.
class Point3(Point2): @classmethod def from_proto(cls, data): return cls((data.x, data.y, data.z)) @property def z(self) -> Union[int, float]: return self[2] @property def to3(self) -> "Point3": return Point3(self)
Ancestors (in MRO)
Static methods
def center(
Returns the central point for points in list
@staticmethod def center(a: Union[Set["Point2"], List["Point2"]]) -> "Point2": """ Returns the central point for points in list """ s = Point2((0, 0)) for p in a: s += p return s / len(a)
def circle_intersection(
self, p, r)
self is point1, p is point2, r is the radius for circles originating in both points Used in ramp finding
def circle_intersection(self, p: "Point2", r: Union[int, float]) -> Set["Point2"]: """ self is point1, p is point2, r is the radius for circles originating in both points Used in ramp finding """ assert self != p distanceBetweenPoints = self.distance_to(p) assert r > distanceBetweenPoints / 2 # remaining distance from center towards the intersection, using pythagoras remainingDistanceFromCenter = (r ** 2 - (distanceBetweenPoints / 2) ** 2) ** 0.5 # center of both points offsetToCenter = Point2(((p.x - self.x) / 2, (p.y - self.y) / 2)) center = self.offset(offsetToCenter) # stretch offset vector in the ratio of remaining distance from center to intersection vectorStretchFactor = remainingDistanceFromCenter / (distanceBetweenPoints / 2) v = offsetToCenter offsetToCenterStretched = Point2((v.x * vectorStretchFactor, v.y * vectorStretchFactor)) # rotate vector by 90° and -90° vectorRotated1 = Point2((offsetToCenterStretched.y, -offsetToCenterStretched.x)) vectorRotated2 = Point2((-offsetToCenterStretched.y, offsetToCenterStretched.x)) intersect1 = center.offset(vectorRotated1) intersect2 = center.offset(vectorRotated2) return {intersect1, intersect2}
def closest(
self, ps)
This function assumes the 2d distance is meant
def closest(self, ps: Union["Units", List["Point2"], Set["Point2"]]) -> Union["Unit", "Point2"]: """ This function assumes the 2d distance is meant """ assert ps if len(ps) == 1: return ps[0] closest_distance_squared = math.inf for p2 in ps: p2pos = p2 if not isinstance(p2pos, Point2): p2pos = p2.position distance = (self[0] - p2pos[0]) ** 2 + (self[1] - p2pos[1]) ** 2 if distance < closest_distance_squared: closest_distance_squared = distance closest_element = p2 return closest_element
def direction_vector(
self, other)
Converts a vector to a direction that can face vertically, horizontally or diagonal or be zero, e.g. (0, 0), (1, -1), (1, 0)
def direction_vector(self, other: "Point2") -> "Point2": """ Converts a vector to a direction that can face vertically, horizontally or diagonal or be zero, e.g. (0, 0), (1, -1), (1, 0) """ return self.__class__((_sign(other.x - self.x), _sign(other.y - self.y)))
def distance2_to(
self, other)
Squared distance to a point.
def distance2_to(self, other: "Point2"): """Squared distance to a point.""" assert isinstance(other, Point2) return (self[0] - other[0]) ** 2 + (self[1] - other[1]) ** 2
def distance_to(
self, p)
def distance_to(self, p: Union["Unit", "Point2", "Point3"]) -> Union[int, float]: p = p.position assert isinstance(p, Pointlike) if self == p: return 0 return (sum(self.__class__((b - a) ** 2 for a, b in itertools.zip_longest(self, p, fillvalue=0)))) ** 0.5
def distance_to_closest(
self, ps)
This function assumes the 2d distance is meant
def distance_to_closest(self, ps: Union["Units", List["Point2"], Set["Point2"]]) -> Union[int, float]: """ This function assumes the 2d distance is meant """ assert ps closest_distance_squared = math.inf for p2 in ps: if not isinstance(p2, Point2): p2 = p2.position distance = (self[0] - p2[0]) ** 2 + (self[1] - p2[1]) ** 2 if distance < closest_distance_squared: closest_distance_squared = distance return closest_distance_squared ** 0.5
def distance_to_furthest(
self, ps)
This function assumes the 2d distance is meant
def distance_to_furthest(self, ps: Union["Units", List["Point2"], Set["Point2"]]) -> Union[int, float]: """ This function assumes the 2d distance is meant """ assert ps furthest_distance_squared = -math.inf for p2 in ps: if not isinstance(p2, Point2): p2 = p2.position distance = (self[0] - p2[0]) ** 2 + (self[1] - p2[1]) ** 2 if furthest_distance_squared < distance: furthest_distance_squared = distance return furthest_distance_squared ** 0.5
def distance_to_point2(
self, p2)
Same as the function above, but should be 3-4 times faster because of the dropped asserts and conversions and because it doesnt use a loop (itertools or zip).
def distance_to_point2(self, p2: "Point2") -> Union[int, float]: """ Same as the function above, but should be 3-4 times faster because of the dropped asserts and conversions and because it doesnt use a loop (itertools or zip). """ return ((self[0] - p2[0]) ** 2 + (self[1] - p2[1]) ** 2) ** 0.5
def furthest(
self, ps)
This function assumes the 2d distance is meant
def furthest(self, ps: Union["Units", List["Point2"], Set["Point2"]]) -> Union["Unit", "Pointlike"]: """ This function assumes the 2d distance is meant """ assert ps if len(ps) == 1: return ps[0] furthest_distance_squared = -math.inf for p2 in ps: p2pos = p2 if not isinstance(p2pos, Point2): p2pos = p2.position distance = (self[0] - p2pos[0]) ** 2 + (self[1] - p2pos[1]) ** 2 if furthest_distance_squared < distance: furthest_distance_squared = distance furthest_element = p2 return furthest_element
def is_same_as(
self, other, dist=0.1)
def is_same_as(self, other: "Point2", dist=0.1) -> bool: return self._distance_squared(other) <= dist ** 2
def manhattan_distance(
self, other)
def manhattan_distance(self, other: "Point2") -> Union[int, float]: return abs(other.x - self.x) + abs(other.y - self.y)
def negative_offset(
self, other)
def negative_offset(self, other: "Point2") -> "Point2": return self.__class__((self.x - other.x, self.y - other.y))
def offset(
self, p)
def offset(self, p) -> "Pointlike": return self.__class__(a + b for a, b in itertools.zip_longest(self, p[: len(self)], fillvalue=0))
def random_on_distance(
self, distance)
def random_on_distance(self, distance): if isinstance(distance, (tuple, list)): # interval distance = distance[0] + random.random() * (distance[1] - distance[0]) assert distance > 0 angle = random.random() * 2 * pi dx, dy = cos(angle), sin(angle) return Point2((self.x + dx * distance, self.y + dy * distance))
def sort_by_distance(
self, ps)
This returns the target points sorted as list. You should not pass a set or dict since those are not sortable. If you want to sort your units towards a point, use 'units.sorted_by_distance_to(point)' instead.
def sort_by_distance(self, ps: Union["Units", List["Point2"]]) -> List["Point2"]: """ This returns the target points sorted as list. You should not pass a set or dict since those are not sortable. If you want to sort your units towards a point, use 'units.sorted_by_distance_to(point)' instead. """ if len(ps) == 1: return ps[0] if ps and all(isinstance(p, Point2) for p in ps): return sorted(ps, key=lambda p: self._distance_squared(p)) return sorted(ps, key=lambda p: self.distance_to(p))
def towards(
self, p, distance=1, limit=False)
def towards(self, p: Union["Unit", "Pointlike"], distance: Union[int, float]=1, limit: bool=False) -> "Pointlike": p = p.position assert self != p, f"self is {self}, p is {p}" d = self.distance_to(p) if limit: distance = min(d, distance) return self.__class__(a + (b - a) / d * distance for a, b in itertools.zip_longest(self, p[:len(self)], fillvalue=0))
def towards_with_random_angle(
self, p, distance=1, max_difference=0.7853981633974483)
def towards_with_random_angle(self, p: Union["Point2", "Point3"], distance: Union[int, float]=1, max_difference: Union[int, float]=(pi / 4)) -> "Point2": tx, ty = self.to2.towards(p.to2, 1) angle = atan2(ty - self.y, tx - self.x) angle = (angle - max_difference) + max_difference * 2 * random.random() return Point2((self.x + cos(angle) * distance, self.y + sin(angle) * distance))
def unit_axes_towards(
self, p)
def unit_axes_towards(self, p): return self.__class__(_sign(b - a) for a, b in itertools.zip_longest(self, p[:len(self)], fillvalue=0))
Instance variables
var neighbors8
var position
var rounded
var to2
var to3
var x
var y
var z
def from_proto(
cls, data)
@classmethod def from_proto(cls, data): return cls((data.x, data.y, data.z))
class Pointlike
tuple() -> empty tuple tuple(iterable) -> tuple initialized from iterable's items
If the argument is a tuple, the return value is the same object.
class Pointlike(tuple): @property def rounded(self) -> "Pointlike": return self.__class__(round(q) for q in self) @property def position(self) -> "Pointlike": return self def distance_to(self, p: Union["Unit", "Point2", "Point3"]) -> Union[int, float]: p = p.position assert isinstance(p, Pointlike) if self == p: return 0 return (sum(self.__class__((b - a) ** 2 for a, b in itertools.zip_longest(self, p, fillvalue=0)))) ** 0.5 def distance_to_point2(self, p2: "Point2") -> Union[int, float]: """ Same as the function above, but should be 3-4 times faster because of the dropped asserts and conversions and because it doesnt use a loop (itertools or zip). """ return ((self[0] - p2[0]) ** 2 + (self[1] - p2[1]) ** 2) ** 0.5 def _distance_squared(self, p2: "Point2") -> Union[int, float]: """ Function used to not take the square root as the distances will stay proportionally the same. This is to speed up the sorting process. """ return (self[0] - p2[0]) ** 2 + (self[1] - p2[1]) ** 2 def sort_by_distance(self, ps: Union["Units", List["Point2"]]) -> List["Point2"]: """ This returns the target points sorted as list. You should not pass a set or dict since those are not sortable. If you want to sort your units towards a point, use 'units.sorted_by_distance_to(point)' instead. """ if len(ps) == 1: return ps[0] if ps and all(isinstance(p, Point2) for p in ps): return sorted(ps, key=lambda p: self._distance_squared(p)) return sorted(ps, key=lambda p: self.distance_to(p)) def closest(self, ps: Union["Units", List["Point2"], Set["Point2"]]) -> Union["Unit", "Point2"]: """ This function assumes the 2d distance is meant """ assert ps if len(ps) == 1: return ps[0] closest_distance_squared = math.inf for p2 in ps: p2pos = p2 if not isinstance(p2pos, Point2): p2pos = p2.position distance = (self[0] - p2pos[0]) ** 2 + (self[1] - p2pos[1]) ** 2 if distance < closest_distance_squared: closest_distance_squared = distance closest_element = p2 return closest_element def distance_to_closest(self, ps: Union["Units", List["Point2"], Set["Point2"]]) -> Union[int, float]: """ This function assumes the 2d distance is meant """ assert ps closest_distance_squared = math.inf for p2 in ps: if not isinstance(p2, Point2): p2 = p2.position distance = (self[0] - p2[0]) ** 2 + (self[1] - p2[1]) ** 2 if distance < closest_distance_squared: closest_distance_squared = distance return closest_distance_squared ** 0.5 def furthest(self, ps: Union["Units", List["Point2"], Set["Point2"]]) -> Union["Unit", "Pointlike"]: """ This function assumes the 2d distance is meant """ assert ps if len(ps) == 1: return ps[0] furthest_distance_squared = -math.inf for p2 in ps: p2pos = p2 if not isinstance(p2pos, Point2): p2pos = p2.position distance = (self[0] - p2pos[0]) ** 2 + (self[1] - p2pos[1]) ** 2 if furthest_distance_squared < distance: furthest_distance_squared = distance furthest_element = p2 return furthest_element def distance_to_furthest(self, ps: Union["Units", List["Point2"], Set["Point2"]]) -> Union[int, float]: """ This function assumes the 2d distance is meant """ assert ps furthest_distance_squared = -math.inf for p2 in ps: if not isinstance(p2, Point2): p2 = p2.position distance = (self[0] - p2[0]) ** 2 + (self[1] - p2[1]) ** 2 if furthest_distance_squared < distance: furthest_distance_squared = distance return furthest_distance_squared ** 0.5 def offset(self, p) -> "Pointlike": return self.__class__(a + b for a, b in itertools.zip_longest(self, p[: len(self)], fillvalue=0)) def unit_axes_towards(self, p): return self.__class__(_sign(b - a) for a, b in itertools.zip_longest(self, p[:len(self)], fillvalue=0)) def towards(self, p: Union["Unit", "Pointlike"], distance: Union[int, float]=1, limit: bool=False) -> "Pointlike": p = p.position assert self != p, f"self is {self}, p is {p}" d = self.distance_to(p) if limit: distance = min(d, distance) return self.__class__(a + (b - a) / d * distance for a, b in itertools.zip_longest(self, p[:len(self)], fillvalue=0)) def __eq__(self, other): if not isinstance(other, tuple): return False return all(abs(a - b) < EPSILON for a, b in itertools.zip_longest(self, other, fillvalue=0)) def __hash__(self): return hash(tuple(int(c * FLOAT_DIGITS) for c in self))
Ancestors (in MRO)
- Pointlike
- builtins.tuple
- builtins.object
Static methods
def closest(
self, ps)
This function assumes the 2d distance is meant
def closest(self, ps: Union["Units", List["Point2"], Set["Point2"]]) -> Union["Unit", "Point2"]: """ This function assumes the 2d distance is meant """ assert ps if len(ps) == 1: return ps[0] closest_distance_squared = math.inf for p2 in ps: p2pos = p2 if not isinstance(p2pos, Point2): p2pos = p2.position distance = (self[0] - p2pos[0]) ** 2 + (self[1] - p2pos[1]) ** 2 if distance < closest_distance_squared: closest_distance_squared = distance closest_element = p2 return closest_element
def distance_to(
self, p)
def distance_to(self, p: Union["Unit", "Point2", "Point3"]) -> Union[int, float]: p = p.position assert isinstance(p, Pointlike) if self == p: return 0 return (sum(self.__class__((b - a) ** 2 for a, b in itertools.zip_longest(self, p, fillvalue=0)))) ** 0.5
def distance_to_closest(
self, ps)
This function assumes the 2d distance is meant
def distance_to_closest(self, ps: Union["Units", List["Point2"], Set["Point2"]]) -> Union[int, float]: """ This function assumes the 2d distance is meant """ assert ps closest_distance_squared = math.inf for p2 in ps: if not isinstance(p2, Point2): p2 = p2.position distance = (self[0] - p2[0]) ** 2 + (self[1] - p2[1]) ** 2 if distance < closest_distance_squared: closest_distance_squared = distance return closest_distance_squared ** 0.5
def distance_to_furthest(
self, ps)
This function assumes the 2d distance is meant
def distance_to_furthest(self, ps: Union["Units", List["Point2"], Set["Point2"]]) -> Union[int, float]: """ This function assumes the 2d distance is meant """ assert ps furthest_distance_squared = -math.inf for p2 in ps: if not isinstance(p2, Point2): p2 = p2.position distance = (self[0] - p2[0]) ** 2 + (self[1] - p2[1]) ** 2 if furthest_distance_squared < distance: furthest_distance_squared = distance return furthest_distance_squared ** 0.5
def distance_to_point2(
self, p2)
Same as the function above, but should be 3-4 times faster because of the dropped asserts and conversions and because it doesnt use a loop (itertools or zip).
def distance_to_point2(self, p2: "Point2") -> Union[int, float]: """ Same as the function above, but should be 3-4 times faster because of the dropped asserts and conversions and because it doesnt use a loop (itertools or zip). """ return ((self[0] - p2[0]) ** 2 + (self[1] - p2[1]) ** 2) ** 0.5
def furthest(
self, ps)
This function assumes the 2d distance is meant
def furthest(self, ps: Union["Units", List["Point2"], Set["Point2"]]) -> Union["Unit", "Pointlike"]: """ This function assumes the 2d distance is meant """ assert ps if len(ps) == 1: return ps[0] furthest_distance_squared = -math.inf for p2 in ps: p2pos = p2 if not isinstance(p2pos, Point2): p2pos = p2.position distance = (self[0] - p2pos[0]) ** 2 + (self[1] - p2pos[1]) ** 2 if furthest_distance_squared < distance: furthest_distance_squared = distance furthest_element = p2 return furthest_element
def offset(
self, p)
def offset(self, p) -> "Pointlike": return self.__class__(a + b for a, b in itertools.zip_longest(self, p[: len(self)], fillvalue=0))
def sort_by_distance(
self, ps)
This returns the target points sorted as list. You should not pass a set or dict since those are not sortable. If you want to sort your units towards a point, use 'units.sorted_by_distance_to(point)' instead.
def sort_by_distance(self, ps: Union["Units", List["Point2"]]) -> List["Point2"]: """ This returns the target points sorted as list. You should not pass a set or dict since those are not sortable. If you want to sort your units towards a point, use 'units.sorted_by_distance_to(point)' instead. """ if len(ps) == 1: return ps[0] if ps and all(isinstance(p, Point2) for p in ps): return sorted(ps, key=lambda p: self._distance_squared(p)) return sorted(ps, key=lambda p: self.distance_to(p))
def towards(
self, p, distance=1, limit=False)
def towards(self, p: Union["Unit", "Pointlike"], distance: Union[int, float]=1, limit: bool=False) -> "Pointlike": p = p.position assert self != p, f"self is {self}, p is {p}" d = self.distance_to(p) if limit: distance = min(d, distance) return self.__class__(a + (b - a) / d * distance for a, b in itertools.zip_longest(self, p[:len(self)], fillvalue=0))
def unit_axes_towards(
self, p)
def unit_axes_towards(self, p): return self.__class__(_sign(b - a) for a, b in itertools.zip_longest(self, p[:len(self)], fillvalue=0))
Instance variables
var position
var rounded
class Rect
tuple() -> empty tuple tuple(iterable) -> tuple initialized from iterable's items
If the argument is a tuple, the return value is the same object.
class Rect(tuple): @classmethod def from_proto(cls, data): assert data.p0.x < data.p1.x and data.p0.y < data.p1.y return cls((data.p0.x, data.p0.y, data.p1.x - data.p0.x, data.p1.y - data.p0.y)) @property def x(self) -> Union[int, float]: return self[0] @property def y(self) -> Union[int, float]: return self[1] @property def width(self) -> Union[int, float]: return self[2] @property def height(self) -> Union[int, float]: return self[3] @property def size(self) -> Size: return Size(self[2], self[3]) @property def center(self) -> Point2: return Point2((self.x + self.width / 2, self.y + self.height / 2)) def offset(self, p): return self.__class__((self[0] + p[0], self[1] + p[1], self[2], self[3]))
Ancestors (in MRO)
- Rect
- builtins.tuple
- builtins.object
Static methods
def offset(
self, p)
def offset(self, p): return self.__class__((self[0] + p[0], self[1] + p[1], self[2], self[3]))
Instance variables
var center
var height
var size
var width
var x
var y
def from_proto(
cls, data)
@classmethod def from_proto(cls, data): assert data.p0.x < data.p1.x and data.p0.y < data.p1.y return cls((data.p0.x, data.p0.y, data.p1.x - data.p0.x, data.p1.y - data.p0.y))
class Size
tuple() -> empty tuple tuple(iterable) -> tuple initialized from iterable's items
If the argument is a tuple, the return value is the same object.
class Size(Point2): @property def width(self) -> Union[int, float]: return self[0] @property def height(self) -> Union[int, float]: return self[1]
Ancestors (in MRO)
Static methods
def center(
Returns the central point for points in list
@staticmethod def center(a: Union[Set["Point2"], List["Point2"]]) -> "Point2": """ Returns the central point for points in list """ s = Point2((0, 0)) for p in a: s += p return s / len(a)
def circle_intersection(
self, p, r)
self is point1, p is point2, r is the radius for circles originating in both points Used in ramp finding
def circle_intersection(self, p: "Point2", r: Union[int, float]) -> Set["Point2"]: """ self is point1, p is point2, r is the radius for circles originating in both points Used in ramp finding """ assert self != p distanceBetweenPoints = self.distance_to(p) assert r > distanceBetweenPoints / 2 # remaining distance from center towards the intersection, using pythagoras remainingDistanceFromCenter = (r ** 2 - (distanceBetweenPoints / 2) ** 2) ** 0.5 # center of both points offsetToCenter = Point2(((p.x - self.x) / 2, (p.y - self.y) / 2)) center = self.offset(offsetToCenter) # stretch offset vector in the ratio of remaining distance from center to intersection vectorStretchFactor = remainingDistanceFromCenter / (distanceBetweenPoints / 2) v = offsetToCenter offsetToCenterStretched = Point2((v.x * vectorStretchFactor, v.y * vectorStretchFactor)) # rotate vector by 90° and -90° vectorRotated1 = Point2((offsetToCenterStretched.y, -offsetToCenterStretched.x)) vectorRotated2 = Point2((-offsetToCenterStretched.y, offsetToCenterStretched.x)) intersect1 = center.offset(vectorRotated1) intersect2 = center.offset(vectorRotated2) return {intersect1, intersect2}
def closest(
self, ps)
This function assumes the 2d distance is meant
def closest(self, ps: Union["Units", List["Point2"], Set["Point2"]]) -> Union["Unit", "Point2"]: """ This function assumes the 2d distance is meant """ assert ps if len(ps) == 1: return ps[0] closest_distance_squared = math.inf for p2 in ps: p2pos = p2 if not isinstance(p2pos, Point2): p2pos = p2.position distance = (self[0] - p2pos[0]) ** 2 + (self[1] - p2pos[1]) ** 2 if distance < closest_distance_squared: closest_distance_squared = distance closest_element = p2 return closest_element
def direction_vector(
self, other)
Converts a vector to a direction that can face vertically, horizontally or diagonal or be zero, e.g. (0, 0), (1, -1), (1, 0)
def direction_vector(self, other: "Point2") -> "Point2": """ Converts a vector to a direction that can face vertically, horizontally or diagonal or be zero, e.g. (0, 0), (1, -1), (1, 0) """ return self.__class__((_sign(other.x - self.x), _sign(other.y - self.y)))
def distance2_to(
self, other)
Squared distance to a point.
def distance2_to(self, other: "Point2"): """Squared distance to a point.""" assert isinstance(other, Point2) return (self[0] - other[0]) ** 2 + (self[1] - other[1]) ** 2
def distance_to(
self, p)
def distance_to(self, p: Union["Unit", "Point2", "Point3"]) -> Union[int, float]: p = p.position assert isinstance(p, Pointlike) if self == p: return 0 return (sum(self.__class__((b - a) ** 2 for a, b in itertools.zip_longest(self, p, fillvalue=0)))) ** 0.5
def distance_to_closest(
self, ps)
This function assumes the 2d distance is meant
def distance_to_closest(self, ps: Union["Units", List["Point2"], Set["Point2"]]) -> Union[int, float]: """ This function assumes the 2d distance is meant """ assert ps closest_distance_squared = math.inf for p2 in ps: if not isinstance(p2, Point2): p2 = p2.position distance = (self[0] - p2[0]) ** 2 + (self[1] - p2[1]) ** 2 if distance < closest_distance_squared: closest_distance_squared = distance return closest_distance_squared ** 0.5
def distance_to_furthest(
self, ps)
This function assumes the 2d distance is meant
def distance_to_furthest(self, ps: Union["Units", List["Point2"], Set["Point2"]]) -> Union[int, float]: """ This function assumes the 2d distance is meant """ assert ps furthest_distance_squared = -math.inf for p2 in ps: if not isinstance(p2, Point2): p2 = p2.position distance = (self[0] - p2[0]) ** 2 + (self[1] - p2[1]) ** 2 if furthest_distance_squared < distance: furthest_distance_squared = distance return furthest_distance_squared ** 0.5
def distance_to_point2(
self, p2)
Same as the function above, but should be 3-4 times faster because of the dropped asserts and conversions and because it doesnt use a loop (itertools or zip).
def distance_to_point2(self, p2: "Point2") -> Union[int, float]: """ Same as the function above, but should be 3-4 times faster because of the dropped asserts and conversions and because it doesnt use a loop (itertools or zip). """ return ((self[0] - p2[0]) ** 2 + (self[1] - p2[1]) ** 2) ** 0.5
def furthest(
self, ps)
This function assumes the 2d distance is meant
def furthest(self, ps: Union["Units", List["Point2"], Set["Point2"]]) -> Union["Unit", "Pointlike"]: """ This function assumes the 2d distance is meant """ assert ps if len(ps) == 1: return ps[0] furthest_distance_squared = -math.inf for p2 in ps: p2pos = p2 if not isinstance(p2pos, Point2): p2pos = p2.position distance = (self[0] - p2pos[0]) ** 2 + (self[1] - p2pos[1]) ** 2 if furthest_distance_squared < distance: furthest_distance_squared = distance furthest_element = p2 return furthest_element
def is_same_as(
self, other, dist=0.1)
def is_same_as(self, other: "Point2", dist=0.1) -> bool: return self._distance_squared(other) <= dist ** 2
def manhattan_distance(
self, other)
def manhattan_distance(self, other: "Point2") -> Union[int, float]: return abs(other.x - self.x) + abs(other.y - self.y)
def negative_offset(
self, other)
def negative_offset(self, other: "Point2") -> "Point2": return self.__class__((self.x - other.x, self.y - other.y))
def offset(
self, p)
def offset(self, p) -> "Pointlike": return self.__class__(a + b for a, b in itertools.zip_longest(self, p[: len(self)], fillvalue=0))
def random_on_distance(
self, distance)
def random_on_distance(self, distance): if isinstance(distance, (tuple, list)): # interval distance = distance[0] + random.random() * (distance[1] - distance[0]) assert distance > 0 angle = random.random() * 2 * pi dx, dy = cos(angle), sin(angle) return Point2((self.x + dx * distance, self.y + dy * distance))
def sort_by_distance(
self, ps)
This returns the target points sorted as list. You should not pass a set or dict since those are not sortable. If you want to sort your units towards a point, use 'units.sorted_by_distance_to(point)' instead.
def sort_by_distance(self, ps: Union["Units", List["Point2"]]) -> List["Point2"]: """ This returns the target points sorted as list. You should not pass a set or dict since those are not sortable. If you want to sort your units towards a point, use 'units.sorted_by_distance_to(point)' instead. """ if len(ps) == 1: return ps[0] if ps and all(isinstance(p, Point2) for p in ps): return sorted(ps, key=lambda p: self._distance_squared(p)) return sorted(ps, key=lambda p: self.distance_to(p))
def towards(
self, p, distance=1, limit=False)
def towards(self, p: Union["Unit", "Pointlike"], distance: Union[int, float]=1, limit: bool=False) -> "Pointlike": p = p.position assert self != p, f"self is {self}, p is {p}" d = self.distance_to(p) if limit: distance = min(d, distance) return self.__class__(a + (b - a) / d * distance for a, b in itertools.zip_longest(self, p[:len(self)], fillvalue=0))
def towards_with_random_angle(
self, p, distance=1, max_difference=0.7853981633974483)
def towards_with_random_angle(self, p: Union["Point2", "Point3"], distance: Union[int, float]=1, max_difference: Union[int, float]=(pi / 4)) -> "Point2": tx, ty = self.to2.towards(p.to2, 1) angle = atan2(ty - self.y, tx - self.x) angle = (angle - max_difference) + max_difference * 2 * random.random() return Point2((self.x + cos(angle) * distance, self.y + sin(angle) * distance))
def unit_axes_towards(
self, p)
def unit_axes_towards(self, p): return self.__class__(_sign(b - a) for a, b in itertools.zip_longest(self, p[:len(self)], fillvalue=0))
Instance variables
var height
var neighbors4
var neighbors8
var position
var rounded
var to2
var to3
var width
var x
var y
def from_proto(
cls, data)
@classmethod def from_proto(cls, data): return cls((data.x, data.y))