sc2.unit module
from typing import Any, Dict, List, Optional, Set, Tuple, Union # mypy type checking from s2clientprotocol import raw_pb2 as raw_pb from s2clientprotocol import sc2api_pb2 as sc_pb from sc2.ids.buff_id import BuffId from . import unit_command from .data import Alliance, Attribute, CloakState, DisplayType, Race, TargetType, warpgate_abilities from .game_data import GameData from .ids.ability_id import AbilityId from .ids.unit_typeid import UnitTypeId from .position import Point2, Point3 class Unit: def __init__(self, proto_data, game_data): assert isinstance(proto_data, raw_pb.Unit) assert isinstance(game_data, GameData) self._proto = proto_data self._game_data = game_data @property def type_id(self) -> UnitTypeId: return UnitTypeId(self._proto.unit_type) @property def _type_data(self) -> "UnitTypeData": return self._game_data.units[self._proto.unit_type] @property def is_snapshot(self) -> bool: return self._proto.display_type == DisplayType.Snapshot.value @property def is_visible(self) -> bool: return self._proto.display_type == DisplayType.Visible.value @property def alliance(self) -> Alliance: return self._proto.alliance @property def is_mine(self) -> bool: return self._proto.alliance == Alliance.Self.value @property def is_enemy(self) -> bool: return self._proto.alliance == Alliance.Enemy.value @property def tag(self) -> int: return self._proto.tag @property def owner_id(self) -> int: return self._proto.owner @property def position(self) -> Point2: """2d position of the unit.""" return self.position3d.to2 @property def position3d(self) -> Point3: """3d position of the unit.""" return Point3.from_proto(self._proto.pos) def distance_to(self, p: Union["Unit", Point2, Point3]) -> Union[int, float]: """ Using the 2d distance between self and p. To calculate the 3d distance, use unit.position3d.distance_to(p) """ return self.position.distance_to_point2(p.position) @property def facing(self) -> Union[int, float]: return self._proto.facing @property def radius(self) -> Union[int, float]: return self._proto.radius @property def detect_range(self) -> Union[int, float]: return self._proto.detect_range @property def radar_range(self) -> Union[int, float]: return self._proto.radar_range @property def build_progress(self) -> Union[int, float]: return self._proto.build_progress @property def is_ready(self) -> bool: return self.build_progress == 1.0 @property def cloak(self) -> CloakState: return self._proto.cloak @property def is_blip(self) -> bool: """ Detected by sensor tower. """ return self._proto.is_blip @property def is_powered(self) -> bool: """ Is powered by a pylon nearby. """ return self._proto.is_powered @property def is_burrowed(self) -> bool: return self._proto.is_burrowed @property def is_flying(self) -> bool: return self._proto.is_flying @property def is_structure(self) -> bool: return Attribute.Structure.value in self._type_data.attributes @property def is_light(self) -> bool: return Attribute.Light.value in self._type_data.attributes @property def is_armored(self) -> bool: return Attribute.Armored.value in self._type_data.attributes @property def is_biological(self) -> bool: return Attribute.Biological.value in self._type_data.attributes @property def is_mechanical(self) -> bool: return Attribute.Mechanical.value in self._type_data.attributes @property def is_robotic(self) -> bool: return Attribute.Robotic.value in self._type_data.attributes @property def is_massive(self) -> bool: return Attribute.Massive.value in self._type_data.attributes @property def is_psionic(self) -> bool: return Attribute.Psionic.value in self._type_data.attributes @property def is_mineral_field(self) -> bool: return self._type_data.has_minerals @property def is_vespene_geyser(self) -> bool: return self._type_data.has_vespene @property def tech_alias(self) -> Optional[List[UnitTypeId]]: """ Building tech equality, e.g. OrbitalCommand is the same as CommandCenter """ """ For Hive, this returns [UnitTypeId.Hatchery, UnitTypeId.Lair] """ """ For SCV, this returns None """ return self._type_data.tech_alias @property def unit_alias(self) -> Optional[UnitTypeId]: """ Building type equality, e.g. FlyingOrbitalCommand is the same as OrbitalCommand """ """ For flying OrbitalCommand, this returns UnitTypeId.OrbitalCommand """ """ For SCV, this returns None """ return self._type_data.unit_alias @property def race(self) -> Race: return Race(self._type_data._proto.race) @property def health(self) -> Union[int, float]: return @property def health_max(self) -> Union[int, float]: return self._proto.health_max @property def health_percentage(self) -> Union[int, float]: if self._proto.health_max == 0: return 0 return / self._proto.health_max @property def shield(self) -> Union[int, float]: return self._proto.shield @property def shield_max(self) -> Union[int, float]: return self._proto.shield_max @property def shield_percentage(self) -> Union[int, float]: if self._proto.shield_max == 0: return 0 return self._proto.shield / self._proto.shield_max @property def energy(self) -> Union[int, float]: return @property def energy_max(self) -> Union[int, float]: return self._proto.energy_max @property def energy_percentage(self) -> Union[int, float]: if self._proto.energy_max == 0: return 0 return / self._proto.energy_max @property def mineral_contents(self) -> int: """ How many minerals a mineral field has left to mine from """ return self._proto.mineral_contents @property def vespene_contents(self) -> int: """ How much gas is remaining in a geyser """ return self._proto.vespene_contents @property def has_vespene(self) -> bool: """ Checks if a geyser has any gas remaining (can't build extractors on empty geysers), useful for lategame """ return bool(self._proto.vespene_contents) @property def weapon_cooldown(self) -> Union[int, float]: """ Returns some time (more than game loops) until the unit can fire again, returns -1 for units that can't attack Usage: if not unit.weapon_cooldown: await elif unit.weapon_cooldown < 0: await else: await """ if self.can_attack: return self._proto.weapon_cooldown return -1 @property def cargo_size(self) -> Union[float, int]: """ How much cargo this unit uses up in cargo_space """ return self._type_data.cargo_size @property def has_cargo(self) -> bool: """ If this unit has units loaded """ return bool(self._proto.cargo_space_taken) @property def cargo_used(self) -> Union[float, int]: """ How much cargo space is used (some units take up more than 1 space) """ return self._proto.cargo_space_taken @property def cargo_max(self) -> Union[float, int]: """ How much cargo space is totally available - CC: 5, Bunker: 4, Medivac: 8 and Bunker can only load infantry, CC only SCVs """ return self._proto.cargo_space_max @property def passengers(self) -> Set["PassengerUnit"]: """ Units inside a Bunker, CommandCenter, Nydus, Medivac, WarpPrism, Overlord """ return {PassengerUnit(unit, self._game_data) for unit in self._proto.passengers} @property def passengers_tags(self) -> Set[int]: return {unit.tag for unit in self._proto.passengers} @property def can_attack(self) -> bool: if hasattr(self._type_data._proto, "weapons"): weapons = self._type_data._proto.weapons return bool(weapons) return False @property def can_attack_ground(self) -> bool: if hasattr(self._type_data._proto, "weapons"): weapons = self._type_data._proto.weapons weapon = next((weapon for weapon in weapons if weapon.type in {TargetType.Ground.value, TargetType.Any.value}), None) return weapon is not None return False @property def ground_dps(self) -> Union[int, float]: """ Does not include upgrades """ if hasattr(self._type_data._proto, "weapons"): weapons = self._type_data._proto.weapons weapon = next((weapon for weapon in weapons if weapon.type in {TargetType.Ground.value, TargetType.Any.value}), None) if weapon: return (weapon.damage * weapon.attacks) / weapon.speed return 0 @property def ground_range(self) -> Union[int, float]: """ Does not include upgrades """ if hasattr(self._type_data._proto, "weapons"): weapons = self._type_data._proto.weapons weapon = next((weapon for weapon in weapons if weapon.type in {TargetType.Ground.value, TargetType.Any.value}), None) if weapon: return weapon.range return 0 @property def can_attack_air(self) -> bool: """ Does not include upgrades """ if hasattr(self._type_data._proto, "weapons"): weapons = self._type_data._proto.weapons weapon = next((weapon for weapon in weapons if weapon.type in {TargetType.Air.value, TargetType.Any.value}), None) return weapon is not None return False @property def air_dps(self) -> Union[int, float]: """ Does not include upgrades """ if hasattr(self._type_data._proto, "weapons"): weapons = self._type_data._proto.weapons weapon = next((weapon for weapon in weapons if weapon.type in {TargetType.Air.value, TargetType.Any.value}), None) if weapon: return (weapon.damage * weapon.attacks) / weapon.speed return 0 @property def air_range(self) -> Union[int, float]: """ Does not include upgrades """ if hasattr(self._type_data._proto, "weapons"): weapons = self._type_data._proto.weapons weapon = next((weapon for weapon in weapons if weapon.type in {TargetType.Air.value, TargetType.Any.value}), None) if weapon: return weapon.range return 0 def target_in_range(self, target: "Unit", bonus_distance: Union[int, float] = 0) -> bool: """ Includes the target's radius when calculating distance to target """ if self.can_attack_ground and not target.is_flying: unit_attack_range = self.ground_range elif self.can_attack_air and (target.is_flying or target.type_id == UnitTypeId.COLOSSUS): unit_attack_range = self.air_range else: unit_attack_range = -1 return self.position._distance_squared(target.position) <= (self.radius + target.radius + unit_attack_range - bonus_distance) ** 2 @property def armor(self) -> Union[int, float]: """ Does not include upgrades """ return self._type_data._proto.armor @property def sight_range(self) -> Union[int, float]: return self._type_data._proto.sight_range @property def movement_speed(self) -> Union[int, float]: return self._type_data._proto.movement_speed @property def is_carrying_minerals(self) -> bool: """ Checks if a worker (or MULE) is carrying (gold-)minerals. """ return any( buff.value in self._proto.buff_ids for buff in {BuffId.CARRYMINERALFIELDMINERALS, BuffId.CARRYHIGHYIELDMINERALFIELDMINERALS} ) @property def is_carrying_vespene(self) -> bool: """ Checks if a worker is carrying vespene. """ return any( buff.value in self._proto.buff_ids for buff in { BuffId.CARRYHARVESTABLEVESPENEGEYSERGAS, BuffId.CARRYHARVESTABLEVESPENEGEYSERGASPROTOSS, BuffId.CARRYHARVESTABLEVESPENEGEYSERGASZERG, } ) @property def is_selected(self) -> bool: return self._proto.is_selected @property def orders(self) -> List["UnitOrder"]: return [UnitOrder.from_proto(o, self._game_data) for o in self._proto.orders] @property def noqueue(self) -> bool: return not self.orders @property def is_moving(self) -> bool: return self.orders and self.orders[0] is AbilityId.MOVE @property def is_attacking(self) -> bool: return self.orders and self.orders[0] in { AbilityId.ATTACK, AbilityId.ATTACK_ATTACK, AbilityId.ATTACK_ATTACKTOWARDS, AbilityId.ATTACK_ATTACKBARRAGE, AbilityId.SCAN_MOVE, } @property def is_gathering(self) -> bool: """ Checks if a unit is on its way to a mineral field / vespene geyser to mine. """ return self.orders and self.orders[0] is AbilityId.HARVEST_GATHER @property def is_returning(self) -> bool: """ Checks if a unit is returning from mineral field / vespene geyser to deliver resources to townhall. """ return self.orders and self.orders[0] is AbilityId.HARVEST_RETURN @property def is_collecting(self) -> bool: """ Combines the two properties above. """ return self.orders and self.orders[0] in {AbilityId.HARVEST_GATHER, AbilityId.HARVEST_RETURN} @property def is_constructing_scv(self) -> bool: """ Checks if the unit is an SCV that is currently building. """ return self.orders and self.orders[0] in { AbilityId.TERRANBUILD_ARMORY, AbilityId.TERRANBUILD_BARRACKS, AbilityId.TERRANBUILD_BUNKER, AbilityId.TERRANBUILD_COMMANDCENTER, AbilityId.TERRANBUILD_ENGINEERINGBAY, AbilityId.TERRANBUILD_FACTORY, AbilityId.TERRANBUILD_FUSIONCORE, AbilityId.TERRANBUILD_GHOSTACADEMY, AbilityId.TERRANBUILD_MISSILETURRET, AbilityId.TERRANBUILD_REFINERY, AbilityId.TERRANBUILD_SENSORTOWER, AbilityId.TERRANBUILD_STARPORT, AbilityId.TERRANBUILD_SUPPLYDEPOT, } @property def is_repairing(self) -> bool: return self.orders and self.orders[0] in { AbilityId.EFFECT_REPAIR, AbilityId.EFFECT_REPAIR_MULE, AbilityId.EFFECT_REPAIR_SCV, } @property def order_target(self) -> Optional[Union[int, Point2]]: """ Returns the target tag (if it is a Unit) or Point2 (if it is a Position) from the first order, reutrn None if the unit is idle """ if self.orders: if isinstance(self.orders[0].target, int): return self.orders[0].target else: return Point2.from_proto(self.orders[0].target) return None @property def is_idle(self) -> bool: return not self.orders @property def add_on_tag(self) -> int: return self._proto.add_on_tag @property def add_on_land_position(self) -> Point2: """ If unit is addon (techlab or reactor), returns the position where a terran building has to land to connect to addon """ return self.position.offset(Point2((-2.5, 0.5))) @property def has_add_on(self) -> bool: return self.add_on_tag != 0 @property def assigned_harvesters(self) -> int: return self._proto.assigned_harvesters @property def ideal_harvesters(self) -> int: return self._proto.ideal_harvesters @property def surplus_harvesters(self) -> int: """ Returns a positive number if it has too many harvesters mining, a negative number if it has too few mining """ return -(self._proto.ideal_harvesters - self._proto.assigned_harvesters) @property def name(self) -> str: return def train(self, unit, *args, **kwargs): return self(self._game_data.units[unit.value], *args, **kwargs) def build(self, unit, *args, **kwargs): return self(self._game_data.units[unit.value], *args, **kwargs) def research(self, upgrade, *args, **kwargs): """ Requires UpgradeId to be passed instead of AbilityId """ return self(self._game_data.upgrades[upgrade.value], *args, **kwargs) def has_buff(self, buff): assert isinstance(buff, BuffId) return buff.value in self._proto.buff_ids def warp_in(self, unit, placement, *args, **kwargs): normal_creation_ability = self._game_data.units[unit.value] return self(warpgate_abilities[normal_creation_ability], placement, *args, **kwargs) def attack(self, *args, **kwargs): return self(AbilityId.ATTACK, *args, **kwargs) def gather(self, *args, **kwargs): return self(AbilityId.HARVEST_GATHER, *args, **kwargs) def return_resource(self, *args, **kwargs): return self(AbilityId.HARVEST_RETURN, *args, **kwargs) def move(self, *args, **kwargs): return self(AbilityId.MOVE, *args, **kwargs) def scan_move(self, *args, **kwargs): return self(AbilityId.SCAN_MOVE, *args, **kwargs) def scan_move(self, *args, **kwargs): return self(AbilityId.SCAN_MOVE, *args, **kwargs) def hold_position(self, *args, **kwargs): return self(AbilityId.HOLDPOSITION, *args, **kwargs) def stop(self, *args, **kwargs): return self(AbilityId.STOP, *args, **kwargs) def repair(self, *args, **kwargs): return self(AbilityId.EFFECT_REPAIR, *args, **kwargs) def __hash__(self): return hash(self.tag) def __call__(self, ability, *args, **kwargs): return unit_command.UnitCommand(ability, self, *args, **kwargs) def __repr__(self): return f"Unit(name={ !r}, tag={self.tag})" class UnitOrder: @classmethod def from_proto(cls, proto, game_data): return cls( game_data.abilities[proto.ability_id], (proto.target_world_space_pos if proto.HasField("target_world_space_pos") else proto.target_unit_tag), proto.progress ) def __init__(self, ability, target, progress=None): self.ability = ability = target self.progress = progress def __repr__(self): return f"UnitOrder({self.ability}, {}, {self.progress})" class PassengerUnit: def __init__(self, proto_data, game_data): assert isinstance(game_data, GameData) self._proto = proto_data self._game_data = game_data def __repr__(self): return f"PassengerUnit(name={ !r}, tag={self.tag})" @property def type_id(self) -> UnitTypeId: return UnitTypeId(self._proto.unit_type) @property def _type_data(self) -> "UnitTypeData": return self._game_data.units[self._proto.unit_type] @property def name(self) -> str: return @property def race(self) -> Race: return Race(self._type_data._proto.race) @property def tag(self) -> int: return self._proto.tag @property def is_structure(self) -> bool: return Attribute.Structure.value in self._type_data.attributes @property def is_light(self) -> bool: return Attribute.Light.value in self._type_data.attributes @property def is_armored(self) -> bool: return Attribute.Armored.value in self._type_data.attributes @property def is_biological(self) -> bool: return Attribute.Biological.value in self._type_data.attributes @property def is_mechanical(self) -> bool: return Attribute.Mechanical.value in self._type_data.attributes @property def is_robotic(self) -> bool: return Attribute.Robotic.value in self._type_data.attributes @property def is_massive(self) -> bool: return Attribute.Massive.value in self._type_data.attributes @property def cargo_size(self) -> Union[float, int]: """ How much cargo this unit uses up in cargo_space """ return self._type_data.cargo_size @property def can_attack(self) -> bool: if hasattr(self._type_data._proto, "weapons"): weapons = self._type_data._proto.weapons return bool(weapons) return False @property def can_attack_ground(self) -> bool: if hasattr(self._type_data._proto, "weapons"): weapons = self._type_data._proto.weapons weapon = next((weapon for weapon in weapons if weapon.type in [TargetType.Ground.value, TargetType.Any.value]), None) return weapon is not None return False @property def ground_dps(self) -> Union[int, float]: """ Does not include upgrades """ if hasattr(self._type_data._proto, "weapons"): weapons = self._type_data._proto.weapons weapon = next((weapon for weapon in weapons if weapon.type in [TargetType.Ground.value, TargetType.Any.value]), None) if weapon: return (weapon.damage * weapon.attacks) / weapon.speed return 0 @property def ground_range(self) -> Union[int, float]: """ Does not include upgrades """ if hasattr(self._type_data._proto, "weapons"): weapons = self._type_data._proto.weapons weapon = next((weapon for weapon in weapons if weapon.type in [TargetType.Ground.value, TargetType.Any.value]), None) if weapon: return weapon.range return 0 @property def can_attack_air(self) -> bool: """ Does not include upgrades """ if hasattr(self._type_data._proto, "weapons"): weapons = self._type_data._proto.weapons weapon = next((weapon for weapon in weapons if weapon.type in [TargetType.Air.value, TargetType.Any.value]), None) return weapon is not None return False @property def air_dps(self) -> Union[int, float]: """ Does not include upgrades """ if hasattr(self._type_data._proto, "weapons"): weapons = self._type_data._proto.weapons weapon = next((weapon for weapon in weapons if weapon.type in [TargetType.Air.value, TargetType.Any.value]), None) if weapon: return (weapon.damage * weapon.attacks) / weapon.speed return 0 @property def air_range(self) -> Union[int, float]: """ Does not include upgrades """ if hasattr(self._type_data._proto, "weapons"): weapons = self._type_data._proto.weapons weapon = next((weapon for weapon in weapons if weapon.type in [TargetType.Air.value, TargetType.Any.value]), None) if weapon: return weapon.range return 0 @property def armor(self) -> Union[int, float]: """ Does not include upgrades """ return self._type_data._proto.armor @property def sight_range(self) -> Union[int, float]: return self._type_data._proto.sight_range @property def movement_speed(self) -> Union[int, float]: return self._type_data._proto.movement_speed @property def health(self) -> Union[int, float]: return @property def health_max(self) -> Union[int, float]: return self._proto.health_max @property def health_percentage(self) -> Union[int, float]: if self._proto.health_max == 0: return 0 return / self._proto.health_max @property def shield(self) -> Union[int, float]: return self._proto.shield @property def shield_max(self) -> Union[int, float]: return self._proto.shield_max @property def shield_percentage(self) -> Union[int, float]: if self._proto.shield_max == 0: return 0 return self._proto.shield / self._proto.shield_max @property def energy(self) -> Union[int, float]: return @property def energy_max(self) -> Union[int, float]: return self._proto.energy_max @property def energy_percentage(self) -> Union[int, float]: if self._proto.energy_max == 0: return 0 return / self._proto.energy_max
Module variables
var warpgate_abilities
class PassengerUnit
class PassengerUnit: def __init__(self, proto_data, game_data): assert isinstance(game_data, GameData) self._proto = proto_data self._game_data = game_data def __repr__(self): return f"PassengerUnit(name={ !r}, tag={self.tag})" @property def type_id(self) -> UnitTypeId: return UnitTypeId(self._proto.unit_type) @property def _type_data(self) -> "UnitTypeData": return self._game_data.units[self._proto.unit_type] @property def name(self) -> str: return @property def race(self) -> Race: return Race(self._type_data._proto.race) @property def tag(self) -> int: return self._proto.tag @property def is_structure(self) -> bool: return Attribute.Structure.value in self._type_data.attributes @property def is_light(self) -> bool: return Attribute.Light.value in self._type_data.attributes @property def is_armored(self) -> bool: return Attribute.Armored.value in self._type_data.attributes @property def is_biological(self) -> bool: return Attribute.Biological.value in self._type_data.attributes @property def is_mechanical(self) -> bool: return Attribute.Mechanical.value in self._type_data.attributes @property def is_robotic(self) -> bool: return Attribute.Robotic.value in self._type_data.attributes @property def is_massive(self) -> bool: return Attribute.Massive.value in self._type_data.attributes @property def cargo_size(self) -> Union[float, int]: """ How much cargo this unit uses up in cargo_space """ return self._type_data.cargo_size @property def can_attack(self) -> bool: if hasattr(self._type_data._proto, "weapons"): weapons = self._type_data._proto.weapons return bool(weapons) return False @property def can_attack_ground(self) -> bool: if hasattr(self._type_data._proto, "weapons"): weapons = self._type_data._proto.weapons weapon = next((weapon for weapon in weapons if weapon.type in [TargetType.Ground.value, TargetType.Any.value]), None) return weapon is not None return False @property def ground_dps(self) -> Union[int, float]: """ Does not include upgrades """ if hasattr(self._type_data._proto, "weapons"): weapons = self._type_data._proto.weapons weapon = next((weapon for weapon in weapons if weapon.type in [TargetType.Ground.value, TargetType.Any.value]), None) if weapon: return (weapon.damage * weapon.attacks) / weapon.speed return 0 @property def ground_range(self) -> Union[int, float]: """ Does not include upgrades """ if hasattr(self._type_data._proto, "weapons"): weapons = self._type_data._proto.weapons weapon = next((weapon for weapon in weapons if weapon.type in [TargetType.Ground.value, TargetType.Any.value]), None) if weapon: return weapon.range return 0 @property def can_attack_air(self) -> bool: """ Does not include upgrades """ if hasattr(self._type_data._proto, "weapons"): weapons = self._type_data._proto.weapons weapon = next((weapon for weapon in weapons if weapon.type in [TargetType.Air.value, TargetType.Any.value]), None) return weapon is not None return False @property def air_dps(self) -> Union[int, float]: """ Does not include upgrades """ if hasattr(self._type_data._proto, "weapons"): weapons = self._type_data._proto.weapons weapon = next((weapon for weapon in weapons if weapon.type in [TargetType.Air.value, TargetType.Any.value]), None) if weapon: return (weapon.damage * weapon.attacks) / weapon.speed return 0 @property def air_range(self) -> Union[int, float]: """ Does not include upgrades """ if hasattr(self._type_data._proto, "weapons"): weapons = self._type_data._proto.weapons weapon = next((weapon for weapon in weapons if weapon.type in [TargetType.Air.value, TargetType.Any.value]), None) if weapon: return weapon.range return 0 @property def armor(self) -> Union[int, float]: """ Does not include upgrades """ return self._type_data._proto.armor @property def sight_range(self) -> Union[int, float]: return self._type_data._proto.sight_range @property def movement_speed(self) -> Union[int, float]: return self._type_data._proto.movement_speed @property def health(self) -> Union[int, float]: return @property def health_max(self) -> Union[int, float]: return self._proto.health_max @property def health_percentage(self) -> Union[int, float]: if self._proto.health_max == 0: return 0 return / self._proto.health_max @property def shield(self) -> Union[int, float]: return self._proto.shield @property def shield_max(self) -> Union[int, float]: return self._proto.shield_max @property def shield_percentage(self) -> Union[int, float]: if self._proto.shield_max == 0: return 0 return self._proto.shield / self._proto.shield_max @property def energy(self) -> Union[int, float]: return @property def energy_max(self) -> Union[int, float]: return self._proto.energy_max @property def energy_percentage(self) -> Union[int, float]: if self._proto.energy_max == 0: return 0 return / self._proto.energy_max
Ancestors (in MRO)
- PassengerUnit
- builtins.object
Static methods
def __init__(
self, proto_data, game_data)
Initialize self. See help(type(self)) for accurate signature.
def __init__(self, proto_data, game_data): assert isinstance(game_data, GameData) self._proto = proto_data self._game_data = game_data
Instance variables
var air_dps
Does not include upgrades
var air_range
Does not include upgrades
var armor
Does not include upgrades
var can_attack
var can_attack_air
Does not include upgrades
var can_attack_ground
var cargo_size
How much cargo this unit uses up in cargo_space
var energy
var energy_max
var energy_percentage
var ground_dps
Does not include upgrades
var ground_range
Does not include upgrades
var health
var health_max
var health_percentage
var is_armored
var is_biological
var is_light
var is_massive
var is_mechanical
var is_robotic
var is_structure
var movement_speed
var name
var race
var shield
var shield_max
var shield_percentage
var sight_range
var tag
var type_id
class Unit
class Unit: def __init__(self, proto_data, game_data): assert isinstance(proto_data, raw_pb.Unit) assert isinstance(game_data, GameData) self._proto = proto_data self._game_data = game_data @property def type_id(self) -> UnitTypeId: return UnitTypeId(self._proto.unit_type) @property def _type_data(self) -> "UnitTypeData": return self._game_data.units[self._proto.unit_type] @property def is_snapshot(self) -> bool: return self._proto.display_type == DisplayType.Snapshot.value @property def is_visible(self) -> bool: return self._proto.display_type == DisplayType.Visible.value @property def alliance(self) -> Alliance: return self._proto.alliance @property def is_mine(self) -> bool: return self._proto.alliance == Alliance.Self.value @property def is_enemy(self) -> bool: return self._proto.alliance == Alliance.Enemy.value @property def tag(self) -> int: return self._proto.tag @property def owner_id(self) -> int: return self._proto.owner @property def position(self) -> Point2: """2d position of the unit.""" return self.position3d.to2 @property def position3d(self) -> Point3: """3d position of the unit.""" return Point3.from_proto(self._proto.pos) def distance_to(self, p: Union["Unit", Point2, Point3]) -> Union[int, float]: """ Using the 2d distance between self and p. To calculate the 3d distance, use unit.position3d.distance_to(p) """ return self.position.distance_to_point2(p.position) @property def facing(self) -> Union[int, float]: return self._proto.facing @property def radius(self) -> Union[int, float]: return self._proto.radius @property def detect_range(self) -> Union[int, float]: return self._proto.detect_range @property def radar_range(self) -> Union[int, float]: return self._proto.radar_range @property def build_progress(self) -> Union[int, float]: return self._proto.build_progress @property def is_ready(self) -> bool: return self.build_progress == 1.0 @property def cloak(self) -> CloakState: return self._proto.cloak @property def is_blip(self) -> bool: """ Detected by sensor tower. """ return self._proto.is_blip @property def is_powered(self) -> bool: """ Is powered by a pylon nearby. """ return self._proto.is_powered @property def is_burrowed(self) -> bool: return self._proto.is_burrowed @property def is_flying(self) -> bool: return self._proto.is_flying @property def is_structure(self) -> bool: return Attribute.Structure.value in self._type_data.attributes @property def is_light(self) -> bool: return Attribute.Light.value in self._type_data.attributes @property def is_armored(self) -> bool: return Attribute.Armored.value in self._type_data.attributes @property def is_biological(self) -> bool: return Attribute.Biological.value in self._type_data.attributes @property def is_mechanical(self) -> bool: return Attribute.Mechanical.value in self._type_data.attributes @property def is_robotic(self) -> bool: return Attribute.Robotic.value in self._type_data.attributes @property def is_massive(self) -> bool: return Attribute.Massive.value in self._type_data.attributes @property def is_psionic(self) -> bool: return Attribute.Psionic.value in self._type_data.attributes @property def is_mineral_field(self) -> bool: return self._type_data.has_minerals @property def is_vespene_geyser(self) -> bool: return self._type_data.has_vespene @property def tech_alias(self) -> Optional[List[UnitTypeId]]: """ Building tech equality, e.g. OrbitalCommand is the same as CommandCenter """ """ For Hive, this returns [UnitTypeId.Hatchery, UnitTypeId.Lair] """ """ For SCV, this returns None """ return self._type_data.tech_alias @property def unit_alias(self) -> Optional[UnitTypeId]: """ Building type equality, e.g. FlyingOrbitalCommand is the same as OrbitalCommand """ """ For flying OrbitalCommand, this returns UnitTypeId.OrbitalCommand """ """ For SCV, this returns None """ return self._type_data.unit_alias @property def race(self) -> Race: return Race(self._type_data._proto.race) @property def health(self) -> Union[int, float]: return @property def health_max(self) -> Union[int, float]: return self._proto.health_max @property def health_percentage(self) -> Union[int, float]: if self._proto.health_max == 0: return 0 return / self._proto.health_max @property def shield(self) -> Union[int, float]: return self._proto.shield @property def shield_max(self) -> Union[int, float]: return self._proto.shield_max @property def shield_percentage(self) -> Union[int, float]: if self._proto.shield_max == 0: return 0 return self._proto.shield / self._proto.shield_max @property def energy(self) -> Union[int, float]: return @property def energy_max(self) -> Union[int, float]: return self._proto.energy_max @property def energy_percentage(self) -> Union[int, float]: if self._proto.energy_max == 0: return 0 return / self._proto.energy_max @property def mineral_contents(self) -> int: """ How many minerals a mineral field has left to mine from """ return self._proto.mineral_contents @property def vespene_contents(self) -> int: """ How much gas is remaining in a geyser """ return self._proto.vespene_contents @property def has_vespene(self) -> bool: """ Checks if a geyser has any gas remaining (can't build extractors on empty geysers), useful for lategame """ return bool(self._proto.vespene_contents) @property def weapon_cooldown(self) -> Union[int, float]: """ Returns some time (more than game loops) until the unit can fire again, returns -1 for units that can't attack Usage: if not unit.weapon_cooldown: await elif unit.weapon_cooldown < 0: await else: await """ if self.can_attack: return self._proto.weapon_cooldown return -1 @property def cargo_size(self) -> Union[float, int]: """ How much cargo this unit uses up in cargo_space """ return self._type_data.cargo_size @property def has_cargo(self) -> bool: """ If this unit has units loaded """ return bool(self._proto.cargo_space_taken) @property def cargo_used(self) -> Union[float, int]: """ How much cargo space is used (some units take up more than 1 space) """ return self._proto.cargo_space_taken @property def cargo_max(self) -> Union[float, int]: """ How much cargo space is totally available - CC: 5, Bunker: 4, Medivac: 8 and Bunker can only load infantry, CC only SCVs """ return self._proto.cargo_space_max @property def passengers(self) -> Set["PassengerUnit"]: """ Units inside a Bunker, CommandCenter, Nydus, Medivac, WarpPrism, Overlord """ return {PassengerUnit(unit, self._game_data) for unit in self._proto.passengers} @property def passengers_tags(self) -> Set[int]: return {unit.tag for unit in self._proto.passengers} @property def can_attack(self) -> bool: if hasattr(self._type_data._proto, "weapons"): weapons = self._type_data._proto.weapons return bool(weapons) return False @property def can_attack_ground(self) -> bool: if hasattr(self._type_data._proto, "weapons"): weapons = self._type_data._proto.weapons weapon = next((weapon for weapon in weapons if weapon.type in {TargetType.Ground.value, TargetType.Any.value}), None) return weapon is not None return False @property def ground_dps(self) -> Union[int, float]: """ Does not include upgrades """ if hasattr(self._type_data._proto, "weapons"): weapons = self._type_data._proto.weapons weapon = next((weapon for weapon in weapons if weapon.type in {TargetType.Ground.value, TargetType.Any.value}), None) if weapon: return (weapon.damage * weapon.attacks) / weapon.speed return 0 @property def ground_range(self) -> Union[int, float]: """ Does not include upgrades """ if hasattr(self._type_data._proto, "weapons"): weapons = self._type_data._proto.weapons weapon = next((weapon for weapon in weapons if weapon.type in {TargetType.Ground.value, TargetType.Any.value}), None) if weapon: return weapon.range return 0 @property def can_attack_air(self) -> bool: """ Does not include upgrades """ if hasattr(self._type_data._proto, "weapons"): weapons = self._type_data._proto.weapons weapon = next((weapon for weapon in weapons if weapon.type in {TargetType.Air.value, TargetType.Any.value}), None) return weapon is not None return False @property def air_dps(self) -> Union[int, float]: """ Does not include upgrades """ if hasattr(self._type_data._proto, "weapons"): weapons = self._type_data._proto.weapons weapon = next((weapon for weapon in weapons if weapon.type in {TargetType.Air.value, TargetType.Any.value}), None) if weapon: return (weapon.damage * weapon.attacks) / weapon.speed return 0 @property def air_range(self) -> Union[int, float]: """ Does not include upgrades """ if hasattr(self._type_data._proto, "weapons"): weapons = self._type_data._proto.weapons weapon = next((weapon for weapon in weapons if weapon.type in {TargetType.Air.value, TargetType.Any.value}), None) if weapon: return weapon.range return 0 def target_in_range(self, target: "Unit", bonus_distance: Union[int, float] = 0) -> bool: """ Includes the target's radius when calculating distance to target """ if self.can_attack_ground and not target.is_flying: unit_attack_range = self.ground_range elif self.can_attack_air and (target.is_flying or target.type_id == UnitTypeId.COLOSSUS): unit_attack_range = self.air_range else: unit_attack_range = -1 return self.position._distance_squared(target.position) <= (self.radius + target.radius + unit_attack_range - bonus_distance) ** 2 @property def armor(self) -> Union[int, float]: """ Does not include upgrades """ return self._type_data._proto.armor @property def sight_range(self) -> Union[int, float]: return self._type_data._proto.sight_range @property def movement_speed(self) -> Union[int, float]: return self._type_data._proto.movement_speed @property def is_carrying_minerals(self) -> bool: """ Checks if a worker (or MULE) is carrying (gold-)minerals. """ return any( buff.value in self._proto.buff_ids for buff in {BuffId.CARRYMINERALFIELDMINERALS, BuffId.CARRYHIGHYIELDMINERALFIELDMINERALS} ) @property def is_carrying_vespene(self) -> bool: """ Checks if a worker is carrying vespene. """ return any( buff.value in self._proto.buff_ids for buff in { BuffId.CARRYHARVESTABLEVESPENEGEYSERGAS, BuffId.CARRYHARVESTABLEVESPENEGEYSERGASPROTOSS, BuffId.CARRYHARVESTABLEVESPENEGEYSERGASZERG, } ) @property def is_selected(self) -> bool: return self._proto.is_selected @property def orders(self) -> List["UnitOrder"]: return [UnitOrder.from_proto(o, self._game_data) for o in self._proto.orders] @property def noqueue(self) -> bool: return not self.orders @property def is_moving(self) -> bool: return self.orders and self.orders[0] is AbilityId.MOVE @property def is_attacking(self) -> bool: return self.orders and self.orders[0] in { AbilityId.ATTACK, AbilityId.ATTACK_ATTACK, AbilityId.ATTACK_ATTACKTOWARDS, AbilityId.ATTACK_ATTACKBARRAGE, AbilityId.SCAN_MOVE, } @property def is_gathering(self) -> bool: """ Checks if a unit is on its way to a mineral field / vespene geyser to mine. """ return self.orders and self.orders[0] is AbilityId.HARVEST_GATHER @property def is_returning(self) -> bool: """ Checks if a unit is returning from mineral field / vespene geyser to deliver resources to townhall. """ return self.orders and self.orders[0] is AbilityId.HARVEST_RETURN @property def is_collecting(self) -> bool: """ Combines the two properties above. """ return self.orders and self.orders[0] in {AbilityId.HARVEST_GATHER, AbilityId.HARVEST_RETURN} @property def is_constructing_scv(self) -> bool: """ Checks if the unit is an SCV that is currently building. """ return self.orders and self.orders[0] in { AbilityId.TERRANBUILD_ARMORY, AbilityId.TERRANBUILD_BARRACKS, AbilityId.TERRANBUILD_BUNKER, AbilityId.TERRANBUILD_COMMANDCENTER, AbilityId.TERRANBUILD_ENGINEERINGBAY, AbilityId.TERRANBUILD_FACTORY, AbilityId.TERRANBUILD_FUSIONCORE, AbilityId.TERRANBUILD_GHOSTACADEMY, AbilityId.TERRANBUILD_MISSILETURRET, AbilityId.TERRANBUILD_REFINERY, AbilityId.TERRANBUILD_SENSORTOWER, AbilityId.TERRANBUILD_STARPORT, AbilityId.TERRANBUILD_SUPPLYDEPOT, } @property def is_repairing(self) -> bool: return self.orders and self.orders[0] in { AbilityId.EFFECT_REPAIR, AbilityId.EFFECT_REPAIR_MULE, AbilityId.EFFECT_REPAIR_SCV, } @property def order_target(self) -> Optional[Union[int, Point2]]: """ Returns the target tag (if it is a Unit) or Point2 (if it is a Position) from the first order, reutrn None if the unit is idle """ if self.orders: if isinstance(self.orders[0].target, int): return self.orders[0].target else: return Point2.from_proto(self.orders[0].target) return None @property def is_idle(self) -> bool: return not self.orders @property def add_on_tag(self) -> int: return self._proto.add_on_tag @property def add_on_land_position(self) -> Point2: """ If unit is addon (techlab or reactor), returns the position where a terran building has to land to connect to addon """ return self.position.offset(Point2((-2.5, 0.5))) @property def has_add_on(self) -> bool: return self.add_on_tag != 0 @property def assigned_harvesters(self) -> int: return self._proto.assigned_harvesters @property def ideal_harvesters(self) -> int: return self._proto.ideal_harvesters @property def surplus_harvesters(self) -> int: """ Returns a positive number if it has too many harvesters mining, a negative number if it has too few mining """ return -(self._proto.ideal_harvesters - self._proto.assigned_harvesters) @property def name(self) -> str: return def train(self, unit, *args, **kwargs): return self(self._game_data.units[unit.value], *args, **kwargs) def build(self, unit, *args, **kwargs): return self(self._game_data.units[unit.value], *args, **kwargs) def research(self, upgrade, *args, **kwargs): """ Requires UpgradeId to be passed instead of AbilityId """ return self(self._game_data.upgrades[upgrade.value], *args, **kwargs) def has_buff(self, buff): assert isinstance(buff, BuffId) return buff.value in self._proto.buff_ids def warp_in(self, unit, placement, *args, **kwargs): normal_creation_ability = self._game_data.units[unit.value] return self(warpgate_abilities[normal_creation_ability], placement, *args, **kwargs) def attack(self, *args, **kwargs): return self(AbilityId.ATTACK, *args, **kwargs) def gather(self, *args, **kwargs): return self(AbilityId.HARVEST_GATHER, *args, **kwargs) def return_resource(self, *args, **kwargs): return self(AbilityId.HARVEST_RETURN, *args, **kwargs) def move(self, *args, **kwargs): return self(AbilityId.MOVE, *args, **kwargs) def scan_move(self, *args, **kwargs): return self(AbilityId.SCAN_MOVE, *args, **kwargs) def scan_move(self, *args, **kwargs): return self(AbilityId.SCAN_MOVE, *args, **kwargs) def hold_position(self, *args, **kwargs): return self(AbilityId.HOLDPOSITION, *args, **kwargs) def stop(self, *args, **kwargs): return self(AbilityId.STOP, *args, **kwargs) def repair(self, *args, **kwargs): return self(AbilityId.EFFECT_REPAIR, *args, **kwargs) def __hash__(self): return hash(self.tag) def __call__(self, ability, *args, **kwargs): return unit_command.UnitCommand(ability, self, *args, **kwargs) def __repr__(self): return f"Unit(name={ !r}, tag={self.tag})"
Ancestors (in MRO)
- Unit
- builtins.object
Static methods
def __init__(
self, proto_data, game_data)
Initialize self. See help(type(self)) for accurate signature.
def __init__(self, proto_data, game_data): assert isinstance(proto_data, raw_pb.Unit) assert isinstance(game_data, GameData) self._proto = proto_data self._game_data = game_data
def attack(
self, *args, **kwargs)
def attack(self, *args, **kwargs): return self(AbilityId.ATTACK, *args, **kwargs)
def build(
self, unit, *args, **kwargs)
def build(self, unit, *args, **kwargs): return self(self._game_data.units[unit.value], *args, **kwargs)
def distance_to(
self, p)
Using the 2d distance between self and p. To calculate the 3d distance, use unit.position3d.distance_to(p)
def distance_to(self, p: Union["Unit", Point2, Point3]) -> Union[int, float]: """ Using the 2d distance between self and p. To calculate the 3d distance, use unit.position3d.distance_to(p) """ return self.position.distance_to_point2(p.position)
def gather(
self, *args, **kwargs)
def gather(self, *args, **kwargs): return self(AbilityId.HARVEST_GATHER, *args, **kwargs)
def has_buff(
self, buff)
def has_buff(self, buff): assert isinstance(buff, BuffId) return buff.value in self._proto.buff_ids
def hold_position(
self, *args, **kwargs)
def hold_position(self, *args, **kwargs): return self(AbilityId.HOLDPOSITION, *args, **kwargs)
def move(
self, *args, **kwargs)
def move(self, *args, **kwargs): return self(AbilityId.MOVE, *args, **kwargs)
def repair(
self, *args, **kwargs)
def repair(self, *args, **kwargs): return self(AbilityId.EFFECT_REPAIR, *args, **kwargs)
def research(
self, upgrade, *args, **kwargs)
Requires UpgradeId to be passed instead of AbilityId
def research(self, upgrade, *args, **kwargs): """ Requires UpgradeId to be passed instead of AbilityId """ return self(self._game_data.upgrades[upgrade.value], *args, **kwargs)
def return_resource(
self, *args, **kwargs)
def return_resource(self, *args, **kwargs): return self(AbilityId.HARVEST_RETURN, *args, **kwargs)
def scan_move(
self, *args, **kwargs)
def scan_move(self, *args, **kwargs): return self(AbilityId.SCAN_MOVE, *args, **kwargs)
def stop(
self, *args, **kwargs)
def stop(self, *args, **kwargs): return self(AbilityId.STOP, *args, **kwargs)
def target_in_range(
self, target, bonus_distance=0)
Includes the target's radius when calculating distance to target
def target_in_range(self, target: "Unit", bonus_distance: Union[int, float] = 0) -> bool: """ Includes the target's radius when calculating distance to target """ if self.can_attack_ground and not target.is_flying: unit_attack_range = self.ground_range elif self.can_attack_air and (target.is_flying or target.type_id == UnitTypeId.COLOSSUS): unit_attack_range = self.air_range else: unit_attack_range = -1 return self.position._distance_squared(target.position) <= (self.radius + target.radius + unit_attack_range - bonus_distance) ** 2
def train(
self, unit, *args, **kwargs)
def train(self, unit, *args, **kwargs): return self(self._game_data.units[unit.value], *args, **kwargs)
def warp_in(
self, unit, placement, *args, **kwargs)
def warp_in(self, unit, placement, *args, **kwargs): normal_creation_ability = self._game_data.units[unit.value] return self(warpgate_abilities[normal_creation_ability], placement, *args, **kwargs)
Instance variables
var add_on_land_position
If unit is addon (techlab or reactor), returns the position where a terran building has to land to connect to addon
var add_on_tag
var air_dps
Does not include upgrades
var air_range
Does not include upgrades
var alliance
var armor
Does not include upgrades
var assigned_harvesters
var build_progress
var can_attack
var can_attack_air
Does not include upgrades
var can_attack_ground
var cargo_max
How much cargo space is totally available - CC: 5, Bunker: 4, Medivac: 8 and Bunker can only load infantry, CC only SCVs
var cargo_size
How much cargo this unit uses up in cargo_space
var cargo_used
How much cargo space is used (some units take up more than 1 space)
var cloak
var detect_range
var energy
var energy_max
var energy_percentage
var facing
var ground_dps
Does not include upgrades
var ground_range
Does not include upgrades
var has_add_on
var has_cargo
If this unit has units loaded
var has_vespene
Checks if a geyser has any gas remaining (can't build extractors on empty geysers), useful for lategame
var health
var health_max
var health_percentage
var ideal_harvesters
var is_armored
var is_attacking
var is_biological
var is_blip
Detected by sensor tower.
var is_burrowed
var is_carrying_minerals
Checks if a worker (or MULE) is carrying (gold-)minerals.
var is_carrying_vespene
Checks if a worker is carrying vespene.
var is_collecting
Combines the two properties above.
var is_constructing_scv
Checks if the unit is an SCV that is currently building.
var is_enemy
var is_flying
var is_gathering
Checks if a unit is on its way to a mineral field / vespene geyser to mine.
var is_idle
var is_light
var is_massive
var is_mechanical
var is_mine
var is_mineral_field
var is_moving
var is_powered
Is powered by a pylon nearby.
var is_psionic
var is_ready
var is_repairing
var is_returning
Checks if a unit is returning from mineral field / vespene geyser to deliver resources to townhall.
var is_robotic
var is_selected
var is_snapshot
var is_structure
var is_vespene_geyser
var is_visible
var mineral_contents
How many minerals a mineral field has left to mine from
var movement_speed
var name
var noqueue
var order_target
Returns the target tag (if it is a Unit) or Point2 (if it is a Position) from the first order, reutrn None if the unit is idle
var orders
var owner_id
var passengers
Units inside a Bunker, CommandCenter, Nydus, Medivac, WarpPrism, Overlord
var position
2d position of the unit.
var position3d
3d position of the unit.
var race
var radar_range
var radius
var shield
var shield_max
var shield_percentage
var sight_range
var surplus_harvesters
Returns a positive number if it has too many harvesters mining, a negative number if it has too few mining
var tag
var tech_alias
Building tech equality, e.g. OrbitalCommand is the same as CommandCenter
var type_id
var unit_alias
Building type equality, e.g. FlyingOrbitalCommand is the same as OrbitalCommand
var vespene_contents
How much gas is remaining in a geyser
var weapon_cooldown
Returns some time (more than game loops) until the unit can fire again, returns -1 for units that can't attack Usage: if not unit.weapon_cooldown: await elif unit.weapon_cooldown < 0: await else: await
class UnitOrder
class UnitOrder: @classmethod def from_proto(cls, proto, game_data): return cls( game_data.abilities[proto.ability_id], (proto.target_world_space_pos if proto.HasField("target_world_space_pos") else proto.target_unit_tag), proto.progress ) def __init__(self, ability, target, progress=None): self.ability = ability = target self.progress = progress def __repr__(self): return f"UnitOrder({self.ability}, {}, {self.progress})"
Ancestors (in MRO)
- UnitOrder
- builtins.object
Static methods
def __init__(
self, ability, target, progress=None)
Initialize self. See help(type(self)) for accurate signature.
def __init__(self, ability, target, progress=None): self.ability = ability = target self.progress = progress
Instance variables
var ability
var progress
var target
def from_proto(
cls, proto, game_data)
@classmethod def from_proto(cls, proto, game_data): return cls( game_data.abilities[proto.ability_id], (proto.target_world_space_pos if proto.HasField("target_world_space_pos") else proto.target_unit_tag), proto.progress )